Source code for ogstools.feflowlib._feflowlib

import logging as log

import ifm_contrib as ifm
import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv


# log configuration
logger = log.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def points_and_cells(doc: ifm.FeflowDoc): """ Get points and cells in a pyvista compatible format. :param doc: The FEFLOW data. :type doc: ifm.FeflowDoc :return: pts, cells, celltypes (points, cells, celltypes) :rtype: tuple(numpy.ndarray, list, list) """ # 0. define variables cell_type_dict = { 2: {3: pv.CellType.TRIANGLE, 4: pv.CellType.QUAD}, 3: { 4: pv.CellType.TETRA, 6: pv.CellType.WEDGE, 8: pv.CellType.HEXAHEDRON, }, } dimension = doc.getNumberOfDimensions() # 1. get a list of all cells/elements and reverse it for correct node order in OGS elements = np.fliplr(np.array(doc.c.mesh.get_imatrix())).tolist() # 2. write the amount of nodes per element to the first entry of each list # of nodes. This is needed for pyvista ! # 2 could also be done with np.hstack([len(ele)]*len(elements,elements)) # also write the celltypes. celltypes = [] for element in elements: nElement = len(element) element.insert(0, nElement) celltypes.append(cell_type_dict[dimension][nElement]) # 3. bring the elements to the right format for pyvista cells = np.array(elements).ravel() # 4 .write the list for all points and their global coordinates if dimension == 2: points = doc.c.mesh.df.nodes(global_cos=True) pts = points[["X", "Y"]].to_numpy() # A 0 is appended since in pyvista points must be given in 3D. # So we set the Z-coordinate to 0. pts = np.pad(pts, [(0, 0), (0, 1)]) elif dimension == 3: points = doc.c.mesh.df.nodes( global_cos=True, par={"Z": ifm.Enum.P_ELEV} ) pts = points[["X", "Y", "Z"]].to_numpy() else: msg = "The input data is neither 2D nor 3D, which it needs to be." raise ValueError(msg) # 5. log information "There are %s number of points and %s number of cells to be converted.", len(pts), len(celltypes), ) return pts, cells, celltypes
def _material_ids_from_selections(doc: ifm.FeflowDoc): """ Get MaterialIDs from the FEFLOW data. Only applicable if they are saved in doc.c.sel.selections(). :param doc: The FEFLOW data. :type doc: ifm.FeflowDoc :return: MaterialIDs :rtype: tuple """ # Note: an error occurs if there are no elements defined to the selection # 1. define necessary variables mat_ids = [] elements = [] dict_matid = {} mat_id = 0 # 2. try to overcome ValueError for selec not referring to element for selec in doc.c.sel.selections(): try: # 2.1 write a list of elements that refer to a material that # is defined in selections (mat__elements) # this call can cause an ValueError since not all selections refer to elements # but all elemental selection refer to material_ids elements.append( doc.c.mesh.df.elements(selection=selec).index.values ) # 2.2 write a list with a corresponding id for # that material (mat_id) mat_ids.append(int(mat_id)) # 2.3 write a dictionary to understand which id refers # to which selection dict_matid[mat_id] = selec mat_id += 1 except ValueError: pass # 3. write a list of material ids. The id is written to the corresponding # entry in the list. mat_ids_mesh = [0] * doc.getNumberOfElements() for count, value in enumerate(mat_ids): for element in elements[count]: mat_ids_mesh[element] = value # 4. log the dictionary of the MaterialIDs"MaterialIDs refer to: %s", dict_matid) # MaterialIDs must be int32 return {"MaterialIDs": np.array(mat_ids_mesh).astype(np.int32)} def _point_and_cell_data(MaterialIDs: dict, doc: ifm.FeflowDoc): """ Get point and cell data from Feflow data. Also write the MaterialIDs to the cell data. :param doc: The FEFLOW data. :type doc: ifm.FeflowDoc :param MaterialIDs: :type MaterialIDs: dict :return: pt_data, cell_data (point and cell data) :rtype: tuple(dict,dict) """ # 1. create a dictionary to filter all nodal and elemental values # according to their name and ifm.Enum value items_pts = doc.c.mesh.df.get_available_items(Type="nodal")[ "Name" ].to_dict() items_cell = doc.c.mesh.df.get_available_items(Type="elemental")[ "Name" ].to_dict() # 2. swap key and values in these dictionaries to have # the name of the ifm.Enum value as key pts_dict = {y: x for x, y in items_pts.items()} cell_dict = {y: x for x, y in items_cell.items()} # 3. get all the nodal and elemental properties of the mesh as pandas # Dataframe and drop nans if a column is full of nans for all the properties pt_prop = doc.c.mesh.df.nodes(global_cos=True, par=pts_dict).dropna( axis=1, how="all" ) cell_prop = doc.c.mesh.df.elements(global_cos=True, par=cell_dict).dropna( axis=1, how="all" ) # 4. write the pandas Dataframe of nodal and elemental properties to # a dictionary pt_data = pt_prop.to_dict("series") cell_data = cell_prop.to_dict("series") # 5. change format of cell data to a dictionary of lists cell_data = {key: [cell_data[key]] for key in cell_data} # 6. add materialIDs to cell data cell_data[str(list(MaterialIDs.keys())[0])] = [ list(MaterialIDs.values())[0] ] # 7. write a list of all properties that have been dropped due to nans nan_arrays = [ x for x in list(pts_dict.keys()) or list(cell_dict.keys()) if x not in list(pt_data.keys()) and list(cell_data.keys()) ] # 8. log the data arrays "These data arrays refer to point data: %s", list(pt_data.keys()) ) "These data arrays refer to cell data: %s", list(cell_data.keys()) ) "These data arrays have been neglected as they are full of nans: %s", nan_arrays, ) return pt_data, cell_data def _convert_to_SI_units(mesh: pv.UnstructuredGrid): """ FEFLOW often uses days as unit for time. In OGS SI-units are used. This is why days must be converted to seconds. :param mesh: mesh :type mesh: pyvista.UnstructuredGrid """ arrays_to_be_converted = ["TRAF", "IOFLOW", "P_COND"] for data in list(mesh.point_data) + list(mesh.cell_data): if any( to_be_converted in data for to_be_converted in arrays_to_be_converted ): mesh[data] *= 1 / 86400 if "4TH" in data or "2ND" in data: mesh[data] *= -1 / 86400 return mesh
[docs]def convert_geometry_mesh(doc: ifm.FeflowDoc): """ Get the geometric construction of the mesh. :param doc: The FEFLOW data. :type doc: ifm.FeflowDoc :return: mesh :rtype: pyvista.UnstructuredGrid """ points, cells, celltypes = points_and_cells(doc) return pv.UnstructuredGrid(cells, celltypes, points)
[docs]def update_geometry(mesh: pv.UnstructuredGrid, doc: ifm.FeflowDoc): """ Update the geometric construction of the mesh with point and cell data. :param mesh: The mesh to be updated. :type mesh: pyvista.UnstructuredGrid :param doc: The FEFLOW data. :type doc: ifm.FeflowDoc :return: mesh :rtype: pyvista.UnstructuredGrid """ MaterialIDs = _material_ids_from_selections(doc) point_data, cell_data = _point_and_cell_data(MaterialIDs, doc) for i in point_data: mesh.point_data.update({i: point_data[i]}) for i in cell_data: mesh.cell_data.update({i: cell_data[i][0]}) return _convert_to_SI_units(mesh)
[docs]def convert_properties_mesh(doc: ifm.FeflowDoc): """ Get the mesh with point and cell properties. :param doc: The FEFLOW data. :type doc: ifm.FeflowDoc :return: mesh :rtype: pyvista.UnstructuredGrid """ mesh = convert_geometry_mesh(doc) update_geometry(mesh, doc) return mesh