Source code for ogstools.meshlib.boundary_set

import tempfile
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd

from ogstools.meshlib.boundary import Layer, LocationFrame, Raster
from ogstools.meshlib.boundary_subset import Surface

[docs]class BoundarySet(ABC): """ Abstract base class representing a collection of boundaries with constraints. A BoundarySet is composed of multiple boundaries linked with constraints: - Free of gaps and overlaps. - Distinguished by markers to identify different boundaries. - Adherence to rules of `piecewise linear complex (PLC)`. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def bounds(self): return
[docs] @abstractmethod def filenames(self): return
[docs]class LayerSet(BoundarySet): """ Collection of geological layers stacked to represent subsurface arrangements. In a geological information system, multiple layers can be stacked vertically to represent the subsurface arrangement. This class provides methods to manage and work with layered geological data. """
[docs] def __init__(self, layers: list[Layer]): """ Initializes a LayerSet. It checks if the list of provided layers are given in a top to bottom order. In neighboring layers, layers share the same surface (upper bottom == low top). """ for upper, lower in zip(layers, layers[1:]): if upper.bottom != msg = "Layerset is not consistent." raise ValueError(msg) self.layers = layers
[docs] def bounds(self): return list(self.layers[0].top.mesh.bounds)
[docs] def filenames(self): layer_filenames = [layer.bottom.filename for layer in self.layers] layer_filenames.insert(0, self.layers[0].top.filename) # file interface return layer_filenames
[docs] @classmethod def from_pandas(cls, df: pd.DataFrame): """Create a LayerSet from a Pandas DataFrame.""" Row = namedtuple("Row", ["material_id", "mesh", "resolution"]) surfaces = [ Row( material_id=surface._asdict()["material_id"], mesh=surface._asdict()["filename"], resolution=surface._asdict()["resolution"], ) for surface in df.itertuples(index=False) ] base_layer = [ Layer( top=Surface(top.mesh, material_id=top.material_id), bottom=Surface(bottom.mesh, material_id=bottom.material_id), num_subdivisions=bottom.resolution, ) for top, bottom in zip(surfaces, surfaces[1:]) ] return cls(layers=base_layer)
[docs] def create_raster(self, resolution): """ Create raster representations for the LayerSet. This method generates raster files at a specified resolution for each layer's top and bottom boundaries and returns paths to the raster files. """ bounds = self.layers[0].top.mesh.bounds raster_set = self.create_rasters(resolution=resolution) locFrame = LocationFrame( xmin=bounds[0], xmax=bounds[1], ymin=bounds[2], ymax=bounds[3] ) # Raster needs to be finer then asc files. Otherwise Mesh2Raster fails raster = Raster(locFrame, resolution=resolution * 0.95) raster_vtu = Path(tempfile.mkstemp(".vtu", "raster")[1]) raster.as_vtu(raster_vtu) rastered_layers_txt = Path( tempfile.mkstemp(".txt", "rastered_layers")[1] ) with"w") as file: file.write("\n".join(str(item) for item in raster_set)) return raster_vtu, rastered_layers_txt
[docs] def create_rasters(self, resolution: int) -> list[Path]: """ For each surface a (temporary) raster file with given resolution is created. """ rasters = [self.layers[0].top.create_raster_file(resolution=resolution)] for layer in self.layers: r = layer.create_raster(resolution=resolution) rasters.extend(r[1:]) return list(dict.fromkeys(rasters))