Source code for ogstools.studies.convergence.convergence

from copy import deepcopy

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyvista as pv
from pint import UnitRegistry

from ogstools import meshlib, propertylib

u_reg: UnitRegistry = UnitRegistry()
u_reg.default_format = "~.3g"

[docs]def resample( topology: pv.DataSet, meshes: list[pv.DataSet] ) -> list[pv.DataSet]: meshes_resampled = [] for mesh in meshes: mesh_temp = deepcopy(topology) mesh_temp.clear_point_data() mesh_temp = mesh_temp.sample(mesh, pass_cell_data=False) meshes_resampled += [mesh_temp] return meshes_resampled
[docs]def add_grid_spacing(mesh: pv.DataSet) -> pv.DataSet: dim = mesh.get_cell(0).dimension key = ["Length", "Area", "Volume"][dim - 1] _mesh = mesh.compute_cell_sizes() _mesh.cell_data["grid_spacing"] = _mesh.cell_data[key] ** (1.0 / dim) return _mesh
[docs]def grid_convergence( meshes: list[pv.DataSet], property: propertylib.Property, topology: pv.DataSet, refinement_ratio: float, ) -> pv.DataSet: """ Calculate the grid convergence field for the given meshes on the topology. The calculation is based on the last three of the given meshes. For more information on this topic see <> or <>. :param meshes: At least three meshes with constant refinement. :param property: The property to be extrapolated. :param topology: The topology to evaluate. :param refinement_ratio: If not given, it is calculated automatically returns: Grid convergence field of the given property. """ assert len(meshes) >= 3 cast = property.magnitude.strip_units result = deepcopy(topology) result.clear_point_data() result.clear_cell_data() _meshes = resample(topology=topology, meshes=meshes) f3 = cast(_meshes[-3].point_data[property.data_name]) f2 = cast(_meshes[-2].point_data[property.data_name]) f1 = cast(_meshes[-1].point_data[property.data_name]) r = np.ones(f1.shape) * refinement_ratio a = f3 - f2 b = f2 - f1 zeros = np.zeros_like ones = np.ones_like c = np.divide(a, b, out=ones(a), where=(b != 0)) with np.errstate(divide="ignore"): p = np.log(np.abs(c)) / np.log(r) rpm1 = r**p - 1 _gci23 = np.divide(np.abs(a), f3, out=zeros(a), where=(f3 != 0.0)) _gci12 = np.divide(np.abs(b), f2, out=zeros(a), where=(f2 != 0.0)) gci23 = np.divide(_gci23, rpm1, out=zeros(a), where=(rpm1 != 0.0)) gci12 = np.divide(_gci12, rpm1, out=zeros(a), where=(rpm1 != 0.0)) conv_ratio = np.divide( gci23, gci12 * r**p, out=ones(a), where=((gci12 * r**p) != 0.0) ) result["r"] = r result["p"] = p result["gci23"] = gci23 result["gci12"] = gci12 result["grid_convergence"] = conv_ratio return result
[docs]def richardson_extrapolation( meshes: list[pv.DataSet], property: propertylib.Property, topology: pv.DataSet, refinement_ratio: float, ) -> pv.DataSet: """ Estimate a better approximation of a property on a mesh. This function calculates the Richardson Extrapolation based on the change in results in the last three of the given meshes. For more information on this topic see <> or <>. :param meshes: At least three meshes with constant refinement. :param property: The property to be extrapolated. :param topology: The topology on which the extrapolation is done. :param refinement_ratio: Refinement ratio (spatial or temporal). :returns: Richardson extrapolation of the given property. """ _meshes = resample(topology, meshes[-2:]) m1 = _meshes[-1] m2 = _meshes[-2] f1 = m1.point_data[property.data_name] f2 = m2.point_data[property.data_name] results = grid_convergence(meshes, property, topology, refinement_ratio) r = results["r"].astype(np.float64) p = results["p"] rpm1 = r**p - 1 diff = f1 - f2 delta = np.divide( diff.T, rpm1, out=np.zeros_like(f1.T), where=(rpm1 != 0) ).T results.point_data[property.data_name] = f1 + delta return results
[docs]def convergence_metrics( meshes: list[pv.DataSet], reference: pv.DataSet, property: propertylib.Property, timestep_sizes: list[float], ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculate convergence metrics for a given reference and property. :param meshes: The List of meshes which is analyzed for convergence. :param reference: The reference Dataset to compare against. :param property: The property of interest. :returns: A pandas Dataframe containing all metrics. """ def _data(m: pv.DataSet): return property.magnitude.strip_units(m.point_data[property.data_name]) grid_spacings = [ np.mean(add_grid_spacing(mesh)["grid_spacing"]) for mesh in meshes ] discretization_label = "mean element length" if all(x == grid_spacings[0] for x in grid_spacings): discretization = deepcopy(timestep_sizes) discretization_label = "time step size" else: discretization = grid_spacings discretization += [0.0] _meshes = meshes + [reference] maxs = [np.max(_data(m)) for m in _meshes] mins = [np.min(_data(m)) for m in _meshes] rel_errs_max = np.abs(1.0 - maxs / maxs[-1]) rel_errs_min = np.abs(1.0 - mins / mins[-1]) rel_errs_l2 = [] for mesh in resample(reference, _meshes): rel_errs_l2 += [ np.linalg.norm(_data(reference) - _data(mesh), axis=0, ord=2) / np.linalg.norm(_data(reference), axis=0, ord=2) ] data = np.column_stack( (discretization, maxs, mins, rel_errs_max, rel_errs_min, rel_errs_l2) ) columns = [discretization_label, "maximum", "minimum"] + [ f"rel. error ({x})" for x in ["max", "min", "L2 norm"] ] return pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
[docs]def log_fit(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, np.ndarray]: if np.all(np.isnan(y)): return 0.0, y indices = np.invert(np.isnan(x)) _x = x[indices] _y = y[indices] params = np.polyfit(np.log10(_x), np.log10(_y), 1) fit_vals = 10 ** (params[0] * np.log10(x) + params[1]) return params[0], fit_vals
[docs]def convergence_order(metrics: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: "Calculates the convergence order for given convergence metrics." columns = [ f"{t} ({x})" for x in ["max", "min", "L2 norm"] for t in ["rel. error", "p"] ] fit_df = metrics.replace(0.0, np.nan) fit_df[fit_df < 1e-12] = np.nan data = [] for col in [-3, -2, -1]: p, _ = log_fit( fit_df.iloc[:, 0].to_numpy(), fit_df.iloc[:, col].to_numpy() ) data += [metrics.iloc[-2, col], p] return pd.DataFrame([data], columns=columns)
[docs]def plot_convergence( metrics: pd.DataFrame, property: propertylib.Property ) -> plt.Figure: "Plot the absolute values of the convergence metrics." fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True) metrics.iloc[:-1].plot(ax=axes[0], x=0, y=1, c="r", style="-o", grid=True) axes[0].plot(metrics.iloc[-1, 0], metrics.iloc[-1, 1], "r^") axes[0].legend(["maximum", "Richardson\nextrapolation"]) metrics.iloc[:-1].plot(ax=axes[1], x=0, y=2, c="b", style="-o", grid=True) axes[1].plot(metrics.iloc[-1, 0], metrics.iloc[-1, 2], "b^") axes[1].legend(["minimum", "Richardson\nextrapolation"]) y_label = property.output_name + " / " + property.output_unit fig.supylabel(y_label, fontsize="medium") fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_convergence_errors(metrics: pd.DataFrame) -> plt.Figure: "Plot the relative errors of the convergence metrics in loglog scale." plot_df = metrics.replace(0.0, np.nan) plot_df[plot_df < 1e-12] = np.nan x_vals = plot_df.iloc[:, 0].to_numpy() fig, ax = plt.subplots() for i, c in enumerate("rbg"): j = i + 3 order_p, fit_vals = log_fit(x_vals, plot_df.iloc[:, j].to_numpy()) err_str = ["max", "min", "L2"][i] label = f"$\\varepsilon_{{rel}}^{{{err_str}}} (p={order_p:.2f})$" plot_df.plot( ax=ax, x=0, y=j, c=c, style="o", grid=True, loglog=True, label=label ) ax.loglog(x_vals, fit_vals, c + "--") fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def convergence_metrics_evolution( mesh_series: list[meshlib.MeshSeries], property: propertylib.Property, refinement_ratio: float = 2.0, units: tuple[str, str] = ("s", "s"), ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculate convergence evolution metrics for given mesh series. Contains convergence order and the relative error to the Richardson extrapolation for each timestep of the coarsest mesh series. and a property :param meshes_series: The List of mesh series to be analyzed. :param property: The property of interest. :param refinement_ratio: Refinement ratio between the discretizations. :returns: A pandas Dataframe containing all metrics. """ all_timevalues = [ms.timevalues for ms in mesh_series] common_timevalues = sorted( set(all_timevalues[0]).intersection(*all_timevalues[1:]) ) p_metrics_per_t = np.empty((0, 6)) timestep_sizes = [np.mean(np.diff(ms.timevalues)) for ms in mesh_series] for timevalue in common_timevalues: meshes = [ms.read_closest(timevalue) for ms in mesh_series] reference = richardson_extrapolation( meshes, property, meshes[-3], refinement_ratio ) metrics = convergence_metrics( meshes, reference, property, timestep_sizes ) p_metrics = convergence_order(metrics) p_metrics_per_t = np.vstack((p_metrics_per_t, p_metrics.to_numpy())) time_vals = ( u_reg.Quantity(np.array(common_timevalues), units[0]) .to(units[1]) .magnitude ) p_metrics_per_t = np.concatenate(([time_vals], p_metrics_per_t.T)).T columns = ["timevalue"] + list(p_metrics.columns) return pd.DataFrame(p_metrics_per_t, columns=columns)
[docs]def plot_convergence_error_evolution( evolution_metrics: pd.DataFrame, ) -> plt.Figure: "Plot the evolution of relative errors." ax: plt.Axes fig, ax = plt.subplots() for index, color in enumerate("rbg"): column = index * 2 + 1 label = ["max", "min", "L2"][index] evolution_metrics.plot( ax=ax, x=0, y=column, c=color, style="o-", grid=True, label=label ) ax.set_ylabel("relative error $\\varepsilon_{{rel}}$") fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_convergence_order_evolution( evolution_metrics: pd.DataFrame, ) -> plt.Figure: "Plot the evolution of convergence orders." ax: plt.Axes fig, ax = plt.subplots() for index, color in enumerate("rbg"): column = index * 2 + 2 label = ["max", "min", "L2"][index] evolution_metrics.plot( ax=ax, x=0, y=column, c=color, style="o-", grid=True, label=label ) ax.set_ylabel("convergence order p") fig.tight_layout() return fig