Source code for ogstools.meshlib.data_processing

# Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (
#            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
#            See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or

from itertools import product
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
from typeguard import typechecked

from ogstools.propertylib import Property

def _raw_differences_all_data(
    mesh1: pv.UnstructuredGrid, mesh2: pv.UnstructuredGrid
) -> pv.UnstructuredGrid:
    diff_mesh = mesh1.copy(deep=True)
    for point_data_key in mesh1.point_data:
        diff_mesh.point_data[point_data_key] -= mesh2.point_data[point_data_key]
    for cell_data_key in mesh1.cell_data:
        if cell_data_key == "MaterialIDs":
        diff_mesh.cell_data[cell_data_key] -= mesh2.cell_data[cell_data_key]
    return diff_mesh

[docs] def difference( mesh1: pv.UnstructuredGrid, mesh2: pv.UnstructuredGrid, mesh_property: Optional[Union[Property, str]] = None, ) -> pv.UnstructuredGrid: """ Compute the difference of properties between two meshes. :param mesh1: The first mesh to be subtracted from. :param mesh2: The second mesh whose data is subtracted from the first mesh. :param mesh_property: The property of interest. If not given, all point and cell_data will be processed raw. :returns: A new mesh containing the difference of `mesh_property` or all datasets between mesh1 and mesh2. """ if mesh_property is None: return _raw_differences_all_data(mesh1, mesh2) if isinstance(mesh_property, Property): vals = np.asarray( [mesh_property.transform(mesh) for mesh in [mesh1, mesh2]] ) outname = mesh_property.output_name + "_difference" else: vals = np.asarray([mesh[mesh_property] for mesh in [mesh1, mesh2]]) outname = mesh_property + "_difference" diff_mesh = mesh1.copy(deep=True) diff_mesh.clear_data() diff_mesh[outname] = np.empty(vals.shape[1:]) diff_mesh[outname] = vals[0] - vals[1] return diff_mesh
[docs] def difference_pairwise( meshes_1: Union[list, np.ndarray], meshes_2: Union[list, np.ndarray], mesh_property: Optional[Union[Property, str]] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute pairwise difference between meshes from two lists/arrays (they have to be of the same length). :param meshes_1: The first list/array of meshes to be subtracted from. :param meshes_2: The second list/array of meshes whose data is subtracted from the first list/array of meshes - meshes_1. :param mesh_property: The property of interest. If not given, all point and cell_data will be processed raw. :returns: An array of meshes containing the differences of `mesh_property` or all datasets between meshes_1 and meshes_2. """ meshes_1 = np.asarray(meshes_1).flatten() meshes_2 = np.asarray(meshes_2).flatten() if len(meshes_1) != len(meshes_2): msg = "Mismatch in length of provided lists/arrays. \ Their length has to be identical to calculate pairwise \ difference. Did you intend to use difference_matrix()?" raise RuntimeError(msg) return np.asarray( [ difference(m1, m2, mesh_property) for m1, m2 in zip(meshes_1, meshes_2) ] )
[docs] @typechecked def difference_matrix( meshes_1: Union[list, np.ndarray], meshes_2: Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray]] = None, mesh_property: Optional[Union[Property, str]] = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the difference between all combinations of two meshes from one or two arrays based on a specified property. :param meshes_1: The first list/array of meshes to be subtracted from. :param meshes_2: The second list/array of meshes, it is subtracted from the first list/array of meshes - meshes_1 (optional). :param mesh_property: The property of interest. If not given, all point and cell_data will be processed raw. :returns: An array of meshes containing the differences of `mesh_property` or all datasets between meshes_1 and meshes_2 for all possible combinations. """ meshes_1 = np.asarray(meshes_1).flatten() if meshes_2 is None: meshes_2 = meshes_1.copy() meshes_2 = np.asarray(meshes_2).flatten() diff_meshes = [ difference(m1, m2, mesh_property) for m1, m2 in product(meshes_1, meshes_2) ] return np.asarray(diff_meshes).reshape((len(meshes_1), len(meshes_2)))