Source code for ogstools.meshplotlib.plot_setup

# Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (
#            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
#            See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or

"""Plot configuration setup."""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Union

from import Scalar

from .plot_setup_defaults import setup_dict

[docs] @dataclass class PlotSetup: """ Configuration class for easy plot adjustments. Each entry has a default value as listed in :obj:`ogstools.meshplotlib.plot_setup_defaults`. """ combined_colorbar: bool "True if all subplots share on colorbar, else each has its own colorbar." dpi: int "The resolution (dots per inch) for the figure." fig_scale: float "A scaling factor for the figure." min_ax_aspect: Optional[float] "Minimum aspect ratio of subplots." max_ax_aspect: Optional[float] "Maximum aspect ratio of subplots." invert_colorbar: bool "A boolean indicating whether to invert the colorbar." layout: str "Layout of the figure" length: Scalar "A property to set data and output unit of a models spatial extension." material_names: dict "A dictionary that maps material names to regions (MaterialIDs)." num_levels: int """The aimed number of levels / bins of the colorbar. See :obj:`ogstools.meshplotlib.levels`""" num_streamline_interp_pts: Optional[int] "The number of interpolation points for streamlines." p_max: Optional[float] "The fixed upper limit for the current scale." p_min: Optional[float] "The fixed lower limit for the current scale." rcParams: dict """Matplotlib runtime configuration. See :obj:`ogstools.meshplotlib.plot_setup_defaults`""" show_element_edges: Union[bool, str] """Controls the display of element edges, can be a boolean or 'str'. In the latter case element edges are always shown for if the name matches the property data name.""" title_center: str "The center part of the plot's title." title_left: str "The left part of the plot's title." title_right: str "The right part of the plot's title." x_label: str "The label for the x-axis." y_label: str "The label for the y-axis." log_scaled: bool "A boolean indicating whether the scaling should be logarithmic." show_region_bounds: bool "Controls the display of region (MaterialIDs) edges." embedded_region_names_color: str "Color of the embedded region names inside the plot." @property def rcParams_scaled(self) -> dict: """Get the scaled rcParams values.""" params = self.rcParams for k, v in self.rcParams.items(): if isinstance(v, int): params[k] = v * self.fig_scale return params
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls: type["PlotSetup"], obj: dict) -> "PlotSetup": """Create a PlotSetup instance from a dictionary.""" return cls( fig_scale=obj["fig_scale"], min_ax_aspect=obj["min_ax_aspect"], max_ax_aspect=obj["max_ax_aspect"], invert_colorbar=obj["invert_colorbar"], dpi=obj["dpi"], num_levels=obj["num_levels"], num_streamline_interp_pts=obj["num_streamline_interp_pts"], p_min=obj["p_min"], p_max=obj["p_max"], show_region_bounds=obj["show_region_bounds"], show_element_edges=obj["show_element_edges"], embedded_region_names_color=obj["embedded_region_names_color"], title_center=obj["title_center"], title_left=obj["title_left"], title_right=obj["title_right"], x_label=obj["x_label"], y_label=obj["y_label"], log_scaled=obj["log_scaled"], layout=obj["layout"], length=Scalar("", obj["length"][0], obj["length"][1], ""), material_names=obj["material_names"], combined_colorbar=obj["combined_colorbar"], rcParams=obj["rcParams"], )
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Reset the plot setup to default values.""" for k, v in self.from_dict(setup_dict).__dict__.items(): self.__dict__[k] = v
_setup = PlotSetup.from_dict(setup_dict)