Section author: Florian Zill (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ)
provides an easy way to create high quality contourplots of 2D or 3D mesh data.
It is heavily based on matplotlib
and pyvista
plotting of point or cell data
plotting multiple meshes in a subplot grid
projections of arbitrarily oriented 2D meshes
isometric views of 3D meshes
show region/material boundaries (optionally with labels)
show element boundaries
streamlines of vector data
sensible default colormaps
nicely formatted colorbars
a temporary interface class for Meshes
a temporary interface class for MeshSeries (.pvd or .xdmf)
Getting started#
Examples demonstrating the usage of the meshplotlib can be found at: How to use meshplotlib.
You can access the comprehensive API documentation at: ogstools.meshplotlib package.