# Terrain meshing ```{eval-rst} .. sectionauthor:: Dominik Kern (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) ``` Here we show different tools to mesh a minimum example of a terrain, given by raster data. These are - [gmsh](http://gmsh.info) - [OGS Utilities](https://www.opengeosys.org/docs/tools/getting-started/overview/) - [PyvVsta](https://docs.pyvista.org/index.html) - [TetGen](https://wias-berlin.de/software/index.jsp?id=TetGen&lang=1) ![terrain](./terrain.png) ## Gmsh If the relief is given as relief.grd, then we need to convert it first (file names are hard coded) `python -m ogstools.examples.mesh_terrain.grd2stl`. Running `python -m ogstools.examples.mesh_terrain.pyvista_mesh` reads in `relief.stl` and meshes the volume between the relief and a *z*-coordinate specified in the script. In addition it creates physical groups for all bounding surfaces. ![gmsh](gmsh.png) ```{literalinclude} ../../../ogstools/examples/mesh_terrain/gmsh_mesh.py ``` ## OGS Utilities OGS comes with some utilities for meshing. Required are raster files (`.grd`) and a file specifying their sequence (here `layer_file_list`). The following commands create a 2D mesh, extrude it to 3D-wedge elements and then fit in a structured hex mesh. ```bash generateStructuredMesh -e tri --lx 10 --nx 20 --ly 10 --ny 20 -o tri2d_mesh.vtu createLayeredMeshFromRasters -i tri2d_mesh.vtu -o wedge3d_mesh.vtu -r layer_file_list Vtu2Grid -i wedge3d_mesh.vtu -o hex3d_mesh.vtu -x 0.4 ``` ![ogstools](ogstools.png) ## PyVista PyVista is mainly made for visualization, but brings some meshing functionality. It has a grid reader to read relief.grd and a meshio-interface to write to relief.vtu. Running `python -m ogstools.examples.mesh_terrain.pyvista_mesh` generates a structured mesh on the relief and extrudes it downwards to 3D. ![pyvista](pyvista.png) ```{literalinclude} ../../../ogstools/examples/mesh_terrain/pyvista_mesh.py ``` ## TetGen TetGen creates a 3D mesh from a 2D mesh on a closed surface. This surface may be either read from stl-files or PyVista-data. Currently the *pyvista-tetgen basic example* (`tetgen_example.py`) has been prepared for terrain meshing (`tetgen_mesh.py`), but is not finished yet. ```{literalinclude} ../../../ogstools/examples/mesh_terrain/tetgen_mesh.py ```