# Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (http://www.opengeosys.org)
# Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
# http://www.opengeosys.org/project/license
from itertools import product
from typing import Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyvista as pv
from typeguard import typechecked
from ogstools.propertylib import Property
from ogstools.propertylib.properties import get_preset
def _raw_differences_all_data(
mesh1: pv.UnstructuredGrid, mesh2: pv.UnstructuredGrid
) -> pv.UnstructuredGrid:
diff_mesh = mesh1.copy(deep=True)
for point_data_key in mesh1.point_data:
diff_mesh.point_data[point_data_key] -= mesh2.point_data[point_data_key]
for cell_data_key in mesh1.cell_data:
if cell_data_key == "MaterialIDs":
diff_mesh.cell_data[cell_data_key] -= mesh2.cell_data[cell_data_key]
return diff_mesh
def difference(
mesh1: pv.UnstructuredGrid,
mesh2: pv.UnstructuredGrid,
mesh_property: Optional[Union[Property, str]] = None,
) -> pv.UnstructuredGrid:
Compute the difference of properties between two meshes.
:param mesh1: The first mesh to be subtracted from.
:param mesh2: The second mesh whose data is subtracted from the first mesh.
:param mesh_property: The property of interest. If not given, all point
and cell_data will be processed raw.
:returns: A new mesh containing the difference of `mesh_property` or all
datasets between mesh1 and mesh2.
if mesh_property is None:
return _raw_differences_all_data(mesh1, mesh2)
if isinstance(mesh_property, Property):
vals = np.asarray(
[mesh_property.transform(mesh) for mesh in [mesh1, mesh2]]
outname = mesh_property.output_name + "_difference"
vals = np.asarray([mesh[mesh_property] for mesh in [mesh1, mesh2]])
outname = mesh_property + "_difference"
diff_mesh = mesh1.copy(deep=True)
diff_mesh[outname] = np.empty(vals.shape[1:])
diff_mesh[outname] = vals[0] - vals[1]
return diff_mesh
def difference_pairwise(
meshes_1: Union[list, np.ndarray],
meshes_2: Union[list, np.ndarray],
mesh_property: Optional[Union[Property, str]] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
Compute pairwise difference between meshes from two lists/arrays
(they have to be of the same length).
:param meshes_1: The first list/array of meshes to be subtracted from.
:param meshes_2: The second list/array of meshes whose data is subtracted
from the first list/array of meshes - meshes_1.
:param mesh_property: The property of interest. If not given, all point
and cell_data will be processed raw.
:returns: An array of meshes containing the differences of `mesh_property`
or all datasets between meshes_1 and meshes_2.
meshes_1 = np.asarray(meshes_1).flatten()
meshes_2 = np.asarray(meshes_2).flatten()
if len(meshes_1) != len(meshes_2):
msg = "Mismatch in length of provided lists/arrays. \
Their length has to be identical to calculate pairwise \
difference. Did you intend to use difference_matrix()?"
raise RuntimeError(msg)
return np.asarray(
difference(m1, m2, mesh_property)
for m1, m2 in zip(meshes_1, meshes_2)
def difference_matrix(
meshes_1: Union[list, np.ndarray],
meshes_2: Optional[Union[list, np.ndarray]] = None,
mesh_property: Optional[Union[Property, str]] = None,
) -> np.ndarray:
Compute the difference between all combinations of two meshes
from one or two arrays based on a specified property.
:param meshes_1: The first list/array of meshes to be subtracted from.
:param meshes_2: The second list/array of meshes, it is subtracted from
the first list/array of meshes - meshes_1 (optional).
:param mesh_property: The property of interest. If not given, all point
and cell_data will be processed raw.
:returns: An array of meshes containing the differences of `mesh_property`
or all datasets between meshes_1 and meshes_2 for all possible
meshes_1 = np.asarray(meshes_1).flatten()
if meshes_2 is None:
meshes_2 = meshes_1.copy()
meshes_2 = np.asarray(meshes_2).flatten()
diff_meshes = [
difference(m1, m2, mesh_property)
for m1, m2 in product(meshes_1, meshes_2)
return np.asarray(diff_meshes).reshape((len(meshes_1), len(meshes_2)))
def interp_points(points: np.ndarray, resolution: int = 100) -> np.ndarray:
Provides lists of points on every segment at a line profile between \
arbitrary number of points pairs.
:param points: Numpy array of N points to sample between.\
Has to be of shape (N, 3).
:param resolution: Resolution of the sampled profile. Total number of \
points within all profile segments.
:returns: Numpy array of shape (N, 3), without duplicated nodal points.
profile = np.zeros([0, 3])
# Get total length of the profile:
diffs = np.diff(points, axis=0)
distances = np.linalg.norm(diffs, axis=1)
npoints_per_segment = np.ceil(
(distances / np.sum(distances)) * resolution
for index in range(len(points) - 1):
vector = points[index + 1] - points[index]
interp = np.linspace(0, 1, npoints_per_segment[index], endpoint=False)
new_seg_points = (
points[index][:, None] + vector[:, None] @ interp[None, :]
profile = np.vstack([profile, new_seg_points.T])
return np.vstack([profile, points[-1, :]])
def distance_in_segments(
profile_nodes: np.ndarray, profile: np.ndarray
) -> np.ndarray:
Calculate the distance within segments of a polyline profile.
:param profile_nodes: 2D array of N points (profile nodes) of shape (N, 3)
:param profile: output from interp_points function. 2D array of N points \
(profile nodes) of shape (N, 3)
:return: 1D array of distances in each segment to its starting point \
of shape (N, 3), where N is the number of points in profile
# Get distances within the segment
point_index = []
for point in profile_nodes:
point_index.append(np.sum(np.abs(profile - point), axis=1).argmin())
if not (point_index[0] == 0 and point_index[-1] == profile.shape[0] - 1):
err_msg = "Something went wrong with generating profile_points!"
raise ValueError(err_msg)
sampled_data_dist_in_segment = np.zeros(
for pt_id in range(len(point_index) - 1):
dist_current_segment = (
profile[point_index[pt_id] : point_index[pt_id + 1], :]
- profile[point_index[pt_id]]
dist_current_segment = np.linalg.norm(dist_current_segment, axis=1)
point_index[pt_id] : point_index[pt_id + 1],
] = dist_current_segment
# Handle last point
dist_last_point = profile[-1, :] - profile_nodes[-2, :]
dist_last_point = np.linalg.norm(dist_last_point)
sampled_data_dist_in_segment[-1] = dist_last_point
return sampled_data_dist_in_segment
def distance_in_profile(points: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
:param points: 2D array of N points (profile nodes) of shape (N, 3)
:return: 1D array of distances of each point to the beginning of the \
profile (first row in points), shape of (N,)
diffs = np.diff(points, axis=0)
distances = np.linalg.norm(diffs, axis=1)
return np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(distances)))
def sample_polyline(
mesh: pv.UnstructuredGrid,
properties: Union[str, Property, list],
profile_nodes: np.ndarray,
resolution: Optional[int] = 100,
) -> tuple[pd.DataFrame, np.array]:
Sample one or more properties along a polyline.
Profiles created by user can be passed as profile_nodes parameter. In this \
case user should also set resolution to None in order to avoid further \
interpolation between the points.
:param mesh: Mesh from which properties will be sampled.
:param properties: Name or list of names of properties to sample. \
:param profile_nodes: 2D array of N points (profile nodes) of shape (N, 3)
:param resolution: Total number of sampling points.
:returns: tuple containing DataFrame with results of the profile sampling \
and Numpy array of distances from the beginning of the profile at \
points defined in profile_points.
properties = (
[properties] if not isinstance(properties, list) else properties
properties = [get_preset(prop, mesh) for prop in properties]
if resolution is None:
# Only cumulative distance alongside the profile will be returned
profile_points = profile_nodes
dist_at_nodes = np.empty()
assert isinstance(resolution, int)
profile_points = interp_points(profile_nodes, resolution=resolution)
sampled_data_dist_in_segment = distance_in_segments(
profile_nodes, profile_points
dist_at_nodes = distance_in_profile(profile_nodes)
sampled_data_distance = distance_in_profile(profile_points)
line = pv.PolyData(profile_points)
sampled_data = line.sample(mesh)
# Structure the output data
output_data = {["x", "y", "z"][i]: profile_points[:, i] for i in [0, 1, 2]}
for property_current in properties:
# TODO: workaround for Issue 59
if property_current.data_name in sampled_data.point_data:
property_name = property_current.data_name
elif property_current.output_name in sampled_data.point_data:
property_name = property_current.output_name
err_msg = "Cannot match property name to properties available\
in mesh!"
raise KeyError(err_msg)
sampled_data_property = sampled_data[property_name]
if isinstance(property_current, Property):
sampled_data_property = property_current.transform(
if property_name not in output_data:
if len(sampled_data_property.shape) > 1:
# Vector properties
for property_id in range(sampled_data_property.shape[1]):
property_key = f"{property_name}_{property_id}"
output_data[property_key] = sampled_data_property[
:, property_id
# Scalar properties
output_data[property_name] = sampled_data_property
output_data["dist"] = sampled_data_distance
if isinstance(resolution, int):
output_data["dist_in_segment"] = sampled_data_dist_in_segment
return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(output_data), dist_at_nodes