Source code for ogstools.meshlib.gmsh_meshing

# Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (
#            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
#            See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or

import math
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from typing import Optional, Union

import gmsh
import numpy as np

from ogstools.msh2vtu import msh2vtu

def _geo_square(
    geo: gmsh.model.geo,
    lengths: Union[float, list[float]],
    n_edge_cells: Union[int, list[int]],
    structured: bool,
) -> None:
    _lengths = lengths if isinstance(lengths, list) else [lengths] * 2
    _n = n_edge_cells if isinstance(n_edge_cells, list) else [n_edge_cells] * 2
    geo.addPoint(0, 0, 0, tag=1)
    geo.addPoint(_lengths[0], 0, 0, tag=2)
    geo.addPoint(_lengths[0], _lengths[1], 0, tag=3)
    geo.addPoint(0, _lengths[1], 0, tag=4)

    geo.addLine(1, 2, tag=1)
    geo.addLine(2, 3, tag=2)
    geo.addLine(3, 4, tag=3)
    geo.addLine(4, 1, tag=4)

    geo.addCurveLoop([1, 2, 3, 4], tag=1)
    geo.addPlaneSurface([1], tag=1)

    geo.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve(1, _n[0] + 1)
    geo.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve(2, _n[1] + 1)
    geo.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve(3, _n[0] + 1)
    geo.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve(4, _n[1] + 1)

    if structured:
        geo.mesh.setRecombine(dim=2, tag=1)

[docs] def rect( lengths: Union[float, list[float]] = 1.0, n_edge_cells: Union[int, list[int]] = 1, structured_grid: bool = True, order: int = 1, out_name: Path = Path("unit_square.msh"), msh_version: Optional[float] = None, ) -> None: gmsh.initialize() gmsh.option.set_number("General.Verbosity", 0) if msh_version is not None: gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.MshFileVersion", msh_version) gmsh.model.add("unit_square") _geo_square(gmsh.model.geo, lengths, n_edge_cells, structured_grid) rectangle = gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(dim=2, tags=[1], tag=0) bottom = gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(dim=1, tags=[1]) right = gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(dim=1, tags=[2]) top = gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(dim=1, tags=[3]) left = gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(dim=1, tags=[4]) gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(dim=2, tag=rectangle, name="unit_square") gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(dim=1, tag=bottom, name="bottom") gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(dim=1, tag=right, name="right") gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(dim=1, tag=top, name="top") gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(dim=1, tag=left, name="left") gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() gmsh.model.mesh.generate(dim=2) gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.SecondOrderIncomplete", 1) gmsh.model.mesh.setOrder(order) gmsh.write(str(out_name)) gmsh.finalize()
[docs] def cuboid( lengths: Union[float, list[float]] = 1.0, n_edge_cells: Union[int, list[int]] = 1, structured_grid: bool = True, order: int = 1, out_name: Path = Path("unit_cube.msh"), msh_version: Optional[float] = None, ) -> None: gmsh.initialize() gmsh.option.set_number("General.Verbosity", 0) if msh_version is not None: gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.MshFileVersion", msh_version) gmsh.model.add("unit_cube") _geo_square(gmsh.model.geo, lengths, n_edge_cells, structured_grid) dz = lengths if isinstance(lengths, float) else lengths[2] nz = n_edge_cells if isinstance(n_edge_cells, int) else n_edge_cells[2] newEntities = gmsh.model.geo.extrude( dimTags=[(2, 1)], dx=0, dy=0, dz=dz, numElements=[nz], recombine=structured_grid # fmt: skip ) top_tag = newEntities[0][1] vol_tag = newEntities[1][1] side_tags = [nE[1] for nE in newEntities[2:]] surf_tags = [1, top_tag] + side_tags surf_names = ["bottom", "top", "front", "right", "back", "left"] for surf_tag, surf_name in zip(surf_tags, surf_names): side_name = gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(dim=2, tags=[surf_tag]) gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(dim=2, tag=side_name, name=surf_name) vol = gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(dim=3, tags=[vol_tag], tag=0) gmsh.model.setPhysicalName(dim=3, tag=vol, name="volume") gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() gmsh.model.mesh.generate(dim=3) gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.SecondOrderIncomplete", 1) gmsh.model.mesh.setOrder(order) gmsh.write(str(out_name)) gmsh.finalize()
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Groundwater: begin: float = -30 """ depth of groundwater begin (negative) in m """ isolation_layer_id: int = 1 """ number of the groundwater isolation layer (count starts with 0)""" flow_direction: str = "+x" """ groundwater inflow direction as string - supported '+x', '-x', '-y', '+y' """
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class BHE: """(B)orehole (H)eat (E)xchanger""" x: float = 50.0 """x-coordinate of the BHE in m""" y: float = 50.0 """y-coordinate of the BHE in m""" z_begin: float = -1.0 """BHE begin depth (zero or negative) in m""" z_end: float = -60.0 """BHE end depth (zero or negative) in m""" borehole_radius: float = 0.076 """borehole radius in m"""
[docs] def gen_bhe_mesh_gmsh( length: float, width: float, layer: Union[float, list[float]], groundwater: Union[Groundwater, list[Groundwater]], BHE_Array: Union[ BHE, list[BHE], ], target_z_size_coarse: float = 7.5, target_z_size_fine: float = 1.5, n_refinement_layers: int = 2, meshing_type: str = "structured", dist_box_x: float = 5.0, dist_box_y: float = 10.0, inner_mesh_size: float = 5.0, outer_mesh_size: float = 10.0, propagation: float = 1.1, order: int = 1, out_name: Path = Path("bhe_mesh.msh"), ) -> None: """ Create a generic BHE mesh for the Heat_Transport_BHE-Process with additionally submeshes at the top, at the bottom and the groundwater inflow, which is exported in the Gmsh .msh format. For the usage in OGS, a mesh conversion with msh2vtu with dim-Tags [1,3] is needed. The mesh is defined by multiple input parameters. Refinement layers are placed at the BHE-begin, the BHE-end and the groundwater start/end. See detailed description of the parameters below: :param length: Length of the model area in m (x-dimension) :param width: Width of the model area in m (y-dimension) :param layer: List of the soil layer thickness in m :param groundwater: List of groundwater layers, where every is specified by a tuple of three entries: [depth of groundwater begin (negative), number of the groundwater isolation layer (count starts with 0), groundwater inflow direction as string - supported '+x', '-x', '-y', '+y'], empty list [] for no groundwater flow :param BHE_Array: List of BHEs, where every BHE is specified by a tuple of five floats: [x-coordinate BHE, y-coordinate BHE, BHE begin depth (zero or negative), BHE end depth (negative), borehole radius in m] :param target_z_size_coarse: maximum edge length of the elements in m in z-direction, if no refinemnt needed :param target_z_size_fine: maximum edge length of the elements in the refinement zone in m in z-direction :param n_refinement_layers: number of refinement layers which are evenly set above and beneath the refinemnt depths (see general description above) :param meshing_type: 'structured' and 'prism' are supported :param dist_box_x: distance in m in x-direction of the refinemnt box according to the BHE's :param dist_box_y: distance in m in y-direction of the refinemnt box according to the BHE's :param inner_mesh_size: mesh size inside the refinement box in m :param outer_mesh_size: mesh size outside of the refinement box in m :param propagation: growth of the outer_mesh_size, only supported by meshing_type 'structured' :param order: Define the order of the mesh: 1 for linear finite elements / 2 for quadratic finite elements :param out_name: name of the exported mesh, must end with .msh :returns: a gmsh .msh file """ def _compute_layer_spacing( z_min: float, z_max: float, z_min_id: int, id_j: float, id_j_max: float, ) -> None: if z_min_id == 3: # and id_j==1 - not needed, but logically safer if id_j == id_j_max: space = ( np.abs(z_min - z_max) - n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine - space_next_layer_refined ) if space_next_layer_refined == 0: if space <= target_z_size_fine: absolute_height_of_layers.append( np.abs(z_min - z_max) ) # space number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( np.abs(z_min - z_max) / target_z_size_fine ) # space ) else: absolute_height_of_layers.append( n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( n_refinement_layers ) absolute_height_of_layers.append(space) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil((space) / target_z_size_coarse) ) else: if space <= target_z_size_fine: absolute_height_of_layers.append( space + n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine + space_next_layer_refined ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( ( space + n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine + space_next_layer_refined ) / target_z_size_fine ) ) else: absolute_height_of_layers.append( n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( n_refinement_layers ) absolute_height_of_layers.append(space) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil(space / target_z_size_coarse) ) absolute_height_of_layers.append( space_next_layer_refined ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( space_next_layer_refined / target_z_size_fine ) ) else: space = ( np.abs(z_min - z_max) - n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) # all negative values, because of the extrusion in negative z-direction -> z_min -- End Layer, z_max -- start layer if ( np.abs(space) <= (n_refinement_layers + 1) * target_z_size_fine ): absolute_height_of_layers.append( space + n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( (space + n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine) / target_z_size_fine ) ) else: absolute_height_of_layers.append( n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( n_refinement_layers ) absolute_height_of_layers.append( space - n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( (space - n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine) / target_z_size_coarse ) ) absolute_height_of_layers.append( n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( n_refinement_layers ) elif ( id_j == 1 and id_j != id_j_max ): # erstes Mesh in jeweiligen Soil-Layer space = np.abs(z_min - z_max) - space_last_layer_refined if np.abs(space) <= (n_refinement_layers + 1) * target_z_size_fine: absolute_height_of_layers.append( space + space_last_layer_refined ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( (space + space_last_layer_refined) / target_z_size_fine ) ) else: if space_last_layer_refined == 0: absolute_height_of_layers.append( space - n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( (space - n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine) / target_z_size_coarse ) ) absolute_height_of_layers.append( n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( n_refinement_layers ) else: absolute_height_of_layers.append(space_last_layer_refined) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil(space_last_layer_refined / target_z_size_fine) ) absolute_height_of_layers.append( space - n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( (space - n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine) / target_z_size_coarse ) ) absolute_height_of_layers.append(2 * target_z_size_fine) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( n_refinement_layers ) elif id_j == id_j_max and id_j != 1: space = np.abs(z_min - z_max) - space_next_layer_refined if space <= (n_refinement_layers + 1) * target_z_size_fine: absolute_height_of_layers.append( space + space_next_layer_refined ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( (space + space_next_layer_refined) / target_z_size_fine ) ) else: if space_next_layer_refined == 0: absolute_height_of_layers.append( n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( n_refinement_layers ) absolute_height_of_layers.append( space - n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( (space - n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine) / target_z_size_coarse ) ) else: absolute_height_of_layers.append( n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( n_refinement_layers ) absolute_height_of_layers.append( space - n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( (space - n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine) / target_z_size_coarse ) ) absolute_height_of_layers.append(space_next_layer_refined) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil(space_next_layer_refined / target_z_size_fine) ) elif ( id_j == id_j_max and id_j == 1 ): # Layer without a needed depth of BHE or Groundwater space = np.abs(z_min - z_max) if space_last_layer_refined == 0 and space_next_layer_refined == 0: absolute_height_of_layers.append(space) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil(space / target_z_size_coarse) ) elif space_next_layer_refined == 0: if space - space_last_layer_refined <= target_z_size_fine: absolute_height_of_layers.append(space) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil(space / target_z_size_fine) ) else: absolute_height_of_layers.append(space_last_layer_refined) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil(space_last_layer_refined / target_z_size_fine) ) absolute_height_of_layers.append( space - space_last_layer_refined ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( (space - space_last_layer_refined) / target_z_size_coarse ) ) elif space_last_layer_refined == 0: if space - space_next_layer_refined <= target_z_size_fine: absolute_height_of_layers.append(space) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil(space / target_z_size_fine) ) else: absolute_height_of_layers.append( space - space_next_layer_refined ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( (space - space_next_layer_refined) / target_z_size_coarse ) ) absolute_height_of_layers.append(space_next_layer_refined) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil(space_next_layer_refined / target_z_size_fine) ) else: if ( space - space_next_layer_refined - space_last_layer_refined <= target_z_size_fine ): absolute_height_of_layers.append(space) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil(space / target_z_size_fine) ) else: absolute_height_of_layers.append(space_next_layer_refined) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil(space_next_layer_refined / target_z_size_fine) ) absolute_height_of_layers.append( space - space_next_layer_refined - space_last_layer_refined ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( ( space - space_next_layer_refined - space_last_layer_refined ) / target_z_size_coarse ) ) absolute_height_of_layers.append(space_last_layer_refined) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil(space_last_layer_refined / target_z_size_fine) ) else: space = np.abs(z_min - z_max) if space <= (2 * n_refinement_layers + 1) * target_z_size_fine: absolute_height_of_layers.append(space) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil(space / target_z_size_fine) ) else: absolute_height_of_layers.append( n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( n_refinement_layers ) absolute_height_of_layers.append( space - 2 * n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( math.ceil( (space - 2 * n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine) / target_z_size_coarse ) ) absolute_height_of_layers.append( n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) number_of_layers[len(number_of_layers) - 1].append( n_refinement_layers ) def _flatten_concatenation( matrix: list[list[float]], ) -> ( list ): # to flat a list, seems not so easy with a ready to use function --> this code is from flat_list = [] for row in matrix: flat_list += row return flat_list def _mesh_structured() -> None: point_id = 1 line_id = 1 curve_loop_id = 1 surface_id = 1 # define all points gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 1 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(x_min, 0.0, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 2 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(x_max, 0.0, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 3 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(length, 0.0, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 4 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(0.0, y_min, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 5 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(x_min, y_min, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 6 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(x_max, y_min, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 7 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(length, y_min, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 8 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(0.0, y_max, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 9 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(x_min, y_max, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 10 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(x_max, y_max, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 11 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(length, y_max, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 12 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(0.0, width, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 13 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(x_min, width, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 14 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(x_max, width, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 15 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(length, width, 0.0, tag=point_id) # 16 point_id += 1 # define all lines in x-direction gmsh.model.geo.addLine(1, 2, line_id) # 1 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(2, 3, line_id) # 2 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(3, 4, line_id) # 3 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(5, 6, line_id) # 4 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(6, 7, line_id) # 5 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(7, 8, line_id) # 6 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(9, 10, line_id) # 7 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(10, 11, line_id) # 8 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(11, 12, line_id) # 9 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(13, 14, line_id) # 10 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(14, 15, line_id) # 11 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(15, 16, line_id) # 12 line_id += 1 # define all lines in y-direction gmsh.model.geo.addLine(1, 5, line_id) # 13 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(2, 6, line_id) # 14 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(3, 7, line_id) # 15 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(4, 8, line_id) # 16 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(5, 9, line_id) # 17 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(6, 10, line_id) # 18 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(7, 11, line_id) # 19 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(8, 12, line_id) # 20 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(9, 13, line_id) # 21 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(10, 14, line_id) # 22 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(11, 15, line_id) # 23 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(12, 16, line_id) # 24 line_id += 1 # add surfaces # first column gmsh.model.geo.addCurveLoop([1, 14, -4, -13], curve_loop_id) gmsh.model.geo.addPlaneSurface([curve_loop_id], surface_id) # 1 gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() curve_loop_id += 1 surface_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addCurveLoop([2, 15, -5, -14], curve_loop_id) gmsh.model.geo.addPlaneSurface([curve_loop_id], surface_id) # 2 gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() curve_loop_id += 1 surface_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addCurveLoop([3, 16, -6, -15], curve_loop_id) gmsh.model.geo.addPlaneSurface([curve_loop_id], surface_id) # 3 gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() curve_loop_id += 1 surface_id += 1 # second column gmsh.model.geo.addCurveLoop([4, 18, -7, -17], curve_loop_id) gmsh.model.geo.addPlaneSurface([curve_loop_id], surface_id) # 4 gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() curve_loop_id += 1 surface_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addCurveLoop([5, 19, -8, -18], curve_loop_id) gmsh.model.geo.addPlaneSurface([curve_loop_id], surface_id) # 5 gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() curve_loop_id += 1 surface_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addCurveLoop([6, 20, -9, -19], curve_loop_id) gmsh.model.geo.addPlaneSurface([curve_loop_id], surface_id) # 6 gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() curve_loop_id += 1 surface_id += 1 # third column gmsh.model.geo.addCurveLoop([7, 22, -10, -21], curve_loop_id) gmsh.model.geo.addPlaneSurface([curve_loop_id], surface_id) # 7 gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() curve_loop_id += 1 surface_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addCurveLoop([8, 23, -11, -22], curve_loop_id) gmsh.model.geo.addPlaneSurface([curve_loop_id], surface_id) # 8 gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() curve_loop_id += 1 surface_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addCurveLoop([9, 24, -12, -23], curve_loop_id) gmsh.model.geo.addPlaneSurface([curve_loop_id], surface_id) # 9 gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() curve_loop_id += 1 surface_id += 1 d = point_id # first tag number of a bhe bhe_top_nodes = [] # insert BHE's in the model for i in range(len(BHE_array)): X = BHE_array[i].x Y = BHE_array[i].y Z = 0 delta = ( alpha * BHE_array[i].borehole_radius ) # meshsize at BHE and distance of the surrounding optimal mesh points gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( X, Y, Z, delta, d ) # Diersch et al. 2011 Part 2 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(X, Y - delta, Z, delta, d + 1) gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(X, Y + delta, Z, delta, d + 2) gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( X + 0.866 * delta, Y + 0.5 * delta, Z, delta, d + 3 ) gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( X - 0.866 * delta, Y + 0.5 * delta, Z, delta, d + 4 ) gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( X + 0.866 * delta, Y - 0.5 * delta, Z, delta, d + 5 ) gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( X - 0.866 * delta, Y - 0.5 * delta, Z, delta, d + 6 ) if BHE_array[i].z_begin != 0: gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( X, Y, BHE_array[i].z_begin, delta, d + 7 ) bhe_top_nodes.append(d + 7) else: bhe_top_nodes.append(d) gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() gmsh.model.mesh.embed( 0, [d, d + 1, d + 2, d + 3, d + 4, d + 5, d + 6], 2, 5 ) d = d + 8 # Extrude the surface mesh according to the previously evaluated structure volumes_list_for_layers = [] boundary_groundwater_list_plusx = [] boundary_groundwater_list_minusx = [] boundary_groundwater_list_plusy = [] boundary_groundwater_list_minusy = [] top_surface = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] surface_list = [ (2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (2, 7), (2, 8), (2, 9), ] for j in range(0, len(number_of_layers)): # spacing of the each layer must be evaluated according to the implementation of the bhe R = gmsh.model.geo.extrude( surface_list, 0, 0, -depth_of_extrusion[j], number_of_layers[j], cummulative_height_of_layers[j], True, ) # soil 1 # list of volume numbers and new bottom surfaces, which were extruded by the five surfaces volume_list = [] surface_list = [] # i=1 for i in range(0, 9): volume_list.append(R[1 + i * 6][1]) surface_list.append(R[i * 6]) # export of the outer surfaces according their orientation boundary_groundwater_list_plusx.append( R[5 + 3 * 6][1] ) # R[5+3*6][1] boundary_groundwater_list_plusx.append(R[5 + 6 * 6][1]) boundary_groundwater_list_plusx.append(R[5][1]) boundary_groundwater_list_minusx.append(R[33][1]) # -x 33, 15, 51 boundary_groundwater_list_minusx.append( R[15][1] ) # -y 40, 46, 52 #+y 2, 8, 14 boundary_groundwater_list_minusx.append(R[51][1]) boundary_groundwater_list_plusy.append(R[2][1]) boundary_groundwater_list_plusy.append(R[8][1]) boundary_groundwater_list_plusy.append(R[14][1]) boundary_groundwater_list_minusy.append(R[40][1]) boundary_groundwater_list_minusy.append(R[46][1]) boundary_groundwater_list_minusy.append(R[52][1]) volumes_list_for_layers.append(volume_list) k = 0 BHE = [] for i in range(0, len(BHE_array)): G = gmsh.model.geo.extrude( [(0, bhe_top_nodes[i])], 0, 0, BHE_array[i].z_end - BHE_array[i].z_begin, BHE_extrusion_layers[i], BHE_extrusion_depths[i], True, ) BHE.append(G[1][1]) gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() for i in range(0, len(number_of_layers)): gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(3, volumes_list_for_layers[i], i) k = i for i in range(0, len(BHE_array)): gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(1, [BHE[i]], k + 1) k += 1 gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(2, top_surface, k + 1, name="Top_Surface") gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, np.array(surface_list)[:, 1].tolist(), k + 2, name="Bottom_Surface", ) counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer = 0 for i in range(0, len(groundwater_list)): # add loop for different groundwater flow directions if groundwater_list[i][4] == "+x": if np.abs(groundwater_list[i][2]) in np.cumsum(layer): gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_plusx[ 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][0] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) : 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][3] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) ], tag=k + 3, name=f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer += 1 else: gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_plusx[ 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][0] + i + 1 - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) : 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][3] + i + 1 - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) ], tag=k + 3, name=f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) elif groundwater_list[i][4] == "-x": if np.abs(groundwater_list[i][2]) in np.cumsum(layer): # gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(2,boundary_groundwater_list_minusx,k+3,f'Groundwater_Inflow_{i}') gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_minusx[ 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][0] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) : 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][3] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) ], k + 3, f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer += 1 else: gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_minusx[ 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][0] + 1 + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) : 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][3] + 1 + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) ], k + 3, f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) elif groundwater_list[i][4] == "+y": if np.abs(groundwater_list[i][2]) in np.cumsum(layer): gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_plusy[ 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][0] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) : 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][3] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) ], tag=k + 3, name=f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer += 1 else: gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_plusy[ 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][0] + i + 1 - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) : 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][3] + i + 1 - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) ], tag=k + 3, name=f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) elif groundwater_list[i][4] == "+x": if np.abs(groundwater_list[i][2]) in np.cumsum(layer): gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_minusy[ 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][0] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) : 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][3] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) ], tag=k + 3, name=f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer += 1 else: gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_minusy[ 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][0] + i + 1 - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) : 3 * ( groundwater_list[i][3] + i + 1 - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ) ], tag=k + 3, name=f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) k += 1 # Sizing Functions and Transfinite Algorithm for Hexahedron meshing in wanted zones # inner square 5 gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 5, math.ceil((x_max - x_min) / minus_y_mesh_size) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 8, math.ceil((x_max - x_min) / minus_y_mesh_size) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 17, math.ceil((y_max - y_min) / minus_x_mesh_size) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 18, math.ceil((y_max - y_min) / minus_x_mesh_size) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 19, math.ceil((y_max - y_min) / plus_x_mesh_size) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 20, math.ceil((y_max - y_min) / plus_x_mesh_size) + 1 ) # outer squares 1,2,3,7,8,9 gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 13, math.ceil((y_min) / outer_mesh_size_inner) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 14, math.ceil((y_min) / outer_mesh_size_inner) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 15, math.ceil((y_min) / outer_mesh_size_inner) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 16, math.ceil((y_min) / outer_mesh_size_inner) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 21, math.ceil((width - y_max) / outer_mesh_size_inner) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 22, math.ceil((width - y_max) / outer_mesh_size_inner) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 23, math.ceil((width - y_max) / outer_mesh_size_inner) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 24, math.ceil((width - y_max) / outer_mesh_size_inner) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 2, math.ceil((x_max - x_min) / outer_mesh_size_inner) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 11, math.ceil((x_max - x_min) / outer_mesh_size_inner) + 1 ) # rectangular squares bgw gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 1, math.ceil((x_min) / outer_mesh_size) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 4, math.ceil((x_min) / outer_mesh_size) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 7, math.ceil((x_min) / outer_mesh_size) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 10, math.ceil((x_min) / outer_mesh_size) + 1 ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 3, math.ceil((length - x_max) / outer_mesh_size) + 1, "Progression", propagation, ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 6, math.ceil((length - x_max) / outer_mesh_size) + 1, "Progression", propagation, ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 9, math.ceil((length - x_max) / outer_mesh_size) + 1, "Progression", propagation, ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteCurve( 12, math.ceil((length - x_max) / outer_mesh_size) + 1, "Progression", propagation, ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteSurface( 1, arrangement="Left", cornerTags=[1, 2, 5, 6] ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteSurface( 3, arrangement="Left", cornerTags=[3, 4, 7, 8] ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteSurface( 4, arrangement="Left", cornerTags=[5, 6, 9, 10] ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteSurface( 6, arrangement="Left", cornerTags=[7, 8, 11, 12] ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteSurface( 7, arrangement="Left", cornerTags=[9, 10, 13, 14] ) gmsh.model.mesh.setTransfiniteSurface( 9, arrangement="Left", cornerTags=[11, 12, 15, 16] ) gmsh.model.mesh.setRecombine(2, 1) gmsh.model.mesh.setRecombine(2, 3) gmsh.model.mesh.setRecombine(2, 4) gmsh.model.mesh.setRecombine(2, 6) gmsh.model.mesh.setRecombine(2, 7) gmsh.model.mesh.setRecombine(2, 9) gmsh.model.mesh.recombine() def _mesh_prism() -> None: point_id = 1 line_id = 1 # define the outer boundaries square gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, outer_mesh_size, tag=point_id ) # 1 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( length, 0.0, 0.0, outer_mesh_size, tag=point_id ) # 2 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( length, width, 0.0, outer_mesh_size, tag=point_id ) # 3 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( 0.0, width, 0.0, outer_mesh_size, tag=point_id ) # 4 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(1, 2, line_id) # 1 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(2, 3, line_id) # 2 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(3, 4, line_id) # 3 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(4, 1, line_id) # 4 line_id += 1 # inner points gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( x_min, y_min, 0.0, minus_x_mesh_size, tag=point_id ) # 5 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( x_max, y_min, 0.0, plus_x_mesh_size, tag=point_id ) # 6 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( x_max, y_max, 0.0, plus_x_mesh_size, tag=point_id ) # 7 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( x_min, y_max, 0.0, minus_x_mesh_size, tag=point_id ) # 8 point_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(5, 6, line_id) # 5 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(6, 7, line_id) # 6 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(7, 8, line_id) # 7 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addLine(8, 5, line_id) # 8 line_id += 1 gmsh.model.geo.addCurveLoop([1, 2, 3, 4], 1) gmsh.model.geo.addPlaneSurface([1], 1) gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() gmsh.model.mesh.embed( 1, [5, 6, 7, 8], 2, 1 ) # embed the four lines of the inner sizing box d = point_id # first tag number of a bhe bhe_top_nodes: list = [] # insert BHE's in the model for i in range(len(BHE_array)): X = BHE_array[i].x Y = BHE_array[i].y Z = 0 delta = ( alpha * BHE_array[i].borehole_radius ) # meshsize at BHE and distance of the surrounding optimal mesh points gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( X, Y, Z, delta, d ) # Diersch et al. 2011 Part 2 gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(X, Y - delta, Z, delta, d + 1) gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(X, Y + delta, Z, delta, d + 2) gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( X + 0.866 * delta, Y + 0.5 * delta, Z, delta, d + 3 ) gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( X - 0.866 * delta, Y + 0.5 * delta, Z, delta, d + 4 ) gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( X + 0.866 * delta, Y - 0.5 * delta, Z, delta, d + 5 ) gmsh.model.geo.addPoint( X - 0.866 * delta, Y - 0.5 * delta, Z, delta, d + 6 ) if BHE_array[i].z_begin != 0: gmsh.model.geo.addPoint(X, Y, BHE_array[i].z_begin, tag=d + 7) bhe_top_nodes.append(d + 7) else: bhe_top_nodes.append(d) gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() gmsh.model.mesh.embed( 0, [d, d + 1, d + 2, d + 3, d + 4, d + 5, d + 6], 2, 1 ) d = d + 8 point_id = d # Extrude the surface mesh according to the previously evaluated structure volumes_list_for_layers = [] top_surface = [1] boundary_groundwater_list_plusx = [] boundary_groundwater_list_minusx = [] boundary_groundwater_list_plusy = [] boundary_groundwater_list_minusy = [] surface_list = [(2, 1)] for j in range(0, len(number_of_layers)): # spacing of the each layer must be evaluated according to the implementation of the bhe R = gmsh.model.geo.extrude( surface_list, 0, 0, -depth_of_extrusion[j], number_of_layers[j], cummulative_height_of_layers[j], True, ) # soil 1 # list of volume numbers and new bottom surfaces, which were extruded by the five surfaces volume_list = [] surface_list = [] volume_list.append(R[1][1]) surface_list.append(R[0]) boundary_groundwater_list_plusx.append(R[5][1]) boundary_groundwater_list_minusx.append(R[3][1]) boundary_groundwater_list_plusy.append(R[2][1]) boundary_groundwater_list_minusy.append(R[4][1]) volumes_list_for_layers.append(volume_list) BHE = [] for i in range(0, len(BHE_array)): G = gmsh.model.geo.extrude( [(0, bhe_top_nodes[i])], 0, 0, BHE_array[i].z_end - BHE_array[i].z_begin, BHE_extrusion_layers[i], BHE_extrusion_depths[i], ) BHE.append(G[1][1]) gmsh.model.geo.synchronize() k = 0 for i in range( 0, len(number_of_layers) ): # len(layer) is right, but len(number_of_layers) for testing only gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(3, volumes_list_for_layers[i], i) k = i for i in range(0, len(BHE_array)): gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(1, [BHE[i]], k + 1) k += 1 gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(2, top_surface, k + 1, name="Top_Surface") gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, np.array(surface_list)[:, 1].tolist(), k + 2, name="Bottom_Surface", ) counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer = 0 for i in range(0, len(groundwater_list)): # add loop for different groundwater flow directions if groundwater_list[i][4] == "+x": if np.abs(groundwater_list[i][2]) in np.cumsum(layer): gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_plusx[ groundwater_list[i][0] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer : groundwater_list[ i ][ 3 ] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ], k + 3, f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer += 1 else: gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_plusx[ groundwater_list[i][0] + 1 + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer : groundwater_list[ i ][ 3 ] + 1 + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ], k + 3, f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) elif groundwater_list[i][4] == "-x": if np.abs(groundwater_list[i][2]) in np.cumsum(layer): gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_minusx[ groundwater_list[i][0] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer : groundwater_list[ i ][ 3 ] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ], k + 3, f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer += 1 else: gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_minusx[ groundwater_list[i][0] + 1 + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer : groundwater_list[ i ][ 3 ] + 1 + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ], k + 3, f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) elif groundwater_list[i][4] == "+y": if np.abs(groundwater_list[i][2]) in np.cumsum(layer): gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_plusy[ groundwater_list[i][0] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer : groundwater_list[ i ][ 3 ] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ], k + 3, f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer += 1 else: gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_plusy[ groundwater_list[i][0] + 1 + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer : groundwater_list[ i ][ 3 ] + 1 + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ], k + 3, f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) elif groundwater_list[i][4] == "-y": if np.abs(groundwater_list[i][2]) in np.cumsum(layer): gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_minusy[ groundwater_list[i][0] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer : groundwater_list[ i ][ 3 ] + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ], k + 3, f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer += 1 else: gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup( 2, boundary_groundwater_list_minusy[ groundwater_list[i][0] + 1 + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer : groundwater_list[ i ][ 3 ] + 1 + i - counter_for_gw_start_at_soil_layer ], k + 3, f"Groundwater_Inflow_{i}", ) k += 1 # gmsh.model.addPhysicalGroup(2,boundary_groundwater_list[start_groundwater+1:groundwater[1]+1],k+3,'Groundwater_Inflow') layer = layer if isinstance(layer, list) else [layer] groundwaters: list[Groundwater] = ( [groundwater] if isinstance(groundwater, Groundwater) else groundwater ) BHE_Array = [BHE_Array] if isinstance(BHE_Array, BHE) else BHE_Array # detect the soil layer, in which the groundwater flow starts groundwater_list: list = [] for g in range(0, len(groundwaters)): start_groundwater = -1000 icl: float = ( -1 ) # Index for critical layer structure, 0 - not critical, 1 - top critical, 2 - bottom critical, 3 - groundwater at layer transition # needed_medias_in_ogs=len(layer)+1 for i in range(0, len(layer)): if ( np.abs(groundwaters[g].begin) < np.sum(layer[: i + 1]) and start_groundwater == -1000 ): start_groundwater = i if ( # previous elif, one semantic block of different cases -> switch to if, because of ruff error np.abs(groundwaters[g].begin) - np.sum(layer[:start_groundwater]) < n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ): # print('difficult meshing at the top of the soil layer - GW') icl = 1 if np.abs(groundwaters[g].begin) == np.sum( layer[:start_groundwater] ): # beginning of groundwater at a transition of two soil layers - special case icl = 3 # needed_medias_in_ogs=len(layer) #needed_extrusions=len(layer) elif ( np.sum(layer[: start_groundwater + 1]) - np.abs(groundwaters[g].begin) < n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ): icl = ( 1.2 # for layers, which are top and bottom critical ) elif ( np.sum(layer[: start_groundwater + 1]) - np.abs(groundwaters[g].begin) < n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine and icl != 1.2 ): # print('critical at the bottom of the soil layer-GW') icl = 2 else: icl = 0 groundwater_list.append( [ start_groundwater, icl, groundwaters[g].begin, groundwaters[g].isolation_layer_id, groundwaters[g].flow_direction, ] ) ### Start of the algorithm ### BHE_array = np.array(BHE_Array) # detect the soil layer, in which the BHE starts - for the moment only for detection i = 0 BHE_to_soil = np.zeros( shape=(len(BHE_array), 5), dtype=np.int8 ) # [:,0] - index of BHE; Array, in welcher Schicht die jeweilige BHE anfängt [:,1] endet [:,3] und wo ein kritischer Übergang folgt [:,2] für BHE_Begin und [:,4] für BHE_End mit 0 - not critical, 1 - top critical, 2 - bottom critical, 3 - bhe at layer transition for j in range(0, len(BHE_array)): for i in range(0, len(layer)): if np.abs(BHE_array[j].z_begin) < np.sum(layer[: i + 1]) and np.abs( BHE_array[j].z_begin ) >= np.sum( layer[:i] ): # Auswertung für BHE_Beginn BHE_to_soil[j, 0] = j BHE_to_soil[j, 1] = i if ( np.abs(BHE_array[j].z_end) - np.abs(BHE_array[j].z_begin) <= n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ): # pragma: no cover msg = "BHE to short, must be longer than n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine!" raise Exception(msg) if ( # previous elif, one semantic block of different cases -> switch to if, because of ruff error np.abs(BHE_array[j].z_begin) - np.sum(layer[:i]) < n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ): # print('difficult meshing at the top of the soil layer - BHE %d'%j) BHE_to_soil[j, 2] = 1 if np.abs(BHE_array[j].z_begin) == np.sum( layer[:i] ): # beginning a transition of two soil layers - special case BHE_to_soil[j, 2] = 3 elif ( np.sum(layer[: i + 1]) - np.abs(BHE_array[j].z_begin) < n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ): # print('critical at the bottom of the soil layer - BHE %d'%j) BHE_to_soil[j, 2] = 2 else: BHE_to_soil[j, 2] = 0 # detect the soil layer, in which the BHE ends for j in range(0, len(BHE_array)): for i in range(0, len(layer)): if np.abs(BHE_array[j].z_end) < np.sum(layer[: i + 1]) and np.abs( BHE_array[j].z_end ) >= np.sum(layer[:i]): BHE_to_soil[j, 3] = i if ( np.abs(BHE_array[j].z_end) - np.sum(layer[:i]) < n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ): # print('difficult meshing at the top of the soil layer - BHE %d'%j) BHE_to_soil[j, 4] = 1 if np.abs(BHE_array[j].z_end) == np.sum( layer[:i] ): # beginning at a transition of two soil layers - special case BHE_to_soil[j, 4] = 3 elif ( np.sum(layer[: i + 1]) - np.abs(BHE_array[j].z_end) < n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ): BHE_to_soil[ j, 4 ] = 1.2 # for layers, which are top and bottom critical elif ( np.sum(layer[: i + 1]) - np.abs(BHE_array[j].z_end) < n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ): # print('critical at the bottom of the soil layer - BHE %d'%j) BHE_to_soil[j, 4] = 2 else: BHE_to_soil[j, 4] = 0 elif np.abs(BHE_array[j].z_end) >= np.sum( layer ): # pragma: no cover raise Exception( "BHE %d ends at bottom boundary or outside of the model area" % j ) needed_depths: list = [] # interesting depths for i in range(0, len(layer)): BHE_end_depths = ( [] ) # only the interesting depths in the i-th layer ToDo: Rename the variable # filter, which BHE's ends in this layer BHE_end_in_Layer = BHE_to_soil[BHE_to_soil[:, 3] == i] for k in BHE_end_in_Layer[:, 0]: BHE_end_depths.append([BHE_array[k].z_end, BHE_to_soil[k, 4]]) # filter, which BHE's starts in this layer BHE_starts_in_Layer = BHE_to_soil[BHE_to_soil[:, 1] == i] for k in BHE_starts_in_Layer[:, 0]: BHE_end_depths.append([BHE_array[k].z_begin, BHE_to_soil[k, 2]]) groundwater_list_0 = np.array( [inner_list[0] for inner_list in groundwater_list] ) if i in groundwater_list_0: if len(np.argwhere(groundwater_list_0 == i)) == 1: BHE_end_depths.append( [ groundwaters[ np.argwhere(groundwater_list_0 == i)[0, 0] ].begin, icl, ] ) else: # pragma: no cover msg = "Two or more groundwater flows starts in the same soil layer, this is not allowed !" raise Exception(msg) # print(BHE_end_depths) groundwater_list_3 = np.array( [inner_list[3] for inner_list in groundwater_list] ) if i in groundwater_list_3: BHE_end_depths.append([-np.sum(layer[:i]), 3]) BHE_end_depths.append([-np.sum(layer[:i]), 0]) BHE_end_depths.append([-np.sum(layer[: i + 1]), 0]) depths = np.unique(BHE_end_depths, axis=0) # [::-1] test, counts = np.unique(depths[:, 0], return_counts=True) arg_indexes = np.argwhere(counts > 1) if arg_indexes.size != 0: new_test = depths[depths[:, 0] == test[arg_indexes[0]]][:, 1] if np.argwhere(new_test > 0) == 1: duplicate_depth = np.argwhere( depths[:, 0] == test[arg_indexes[0]] ) not_needed_icl = np.argwhere(depths[:, 1] == 0) depths = np.delete( depths, np.intersect1d(duplicate_depth, not_needed_icl), axis=0, ) else: # pragma: no cover msg = "Layering to difficult, groundwater, BHE depths and needed layers are very close - behaviour currently not implemented" raise Exception(msg) BHE_end_depths = depths[::-1] needed_depths.append(BHE_end_depths) number_of_layers: list = [] cummulative_height_of_layers: list = [] depth_of_extrusion: list = [] for i in range(0, len(layer)): # Schleife zum Berechnen der Layer-Struktur list_of_needed_depths = needed_depths[ i ] # all depths, which needs a node in the mesh # vorheriger_layer - Abstand für top-critical etc. if i > 0: if ( 2 in needed_depths[i - 1][:, 1] or 1.2 in needed_depths[i - 1][:, 1] ): space_last_layer_refined = ( needed_depths[i - 1][-1, 0] - needed_depths[i - 1][-2, 0] + n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) if space_last_layer_refined < target_z_size_fine: space_last_layer_refined = target_z_size_fine else: space_last_layer_refined = space_last_layer_refined else: space_last_layer_refined = 0 else: space_last_layer_refined = 0 # nächster_Layer - Abstand für top-critical etc. if i < len(layer) - 1: if ( 1 in needed_depths[i + 1][:, 1] or 3 in needed_depths[i + 1][:, 1] or 1.2 in needed_depths[i + 1][:, 1] ): if 3 in needed_depths[i + 1][:, 1]: space_next_layer_refined = ( n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) else: space_next_layer_refined = ( needed_depths[i + 1][1, 0] - needed_depths[i + 1][0, 0] + n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) if space_next_layer_refined < target_z_size_fine: space_next_layer_refined = target_z_size_fine else: space_next_layer_refined = space_next_layer_refined else: space_next_layer_refined = 0 # nichts beim layering zu beachten elif i + 1 in groundwater_list_3: # i+1 == groundwater[1]: space_next_layer_refined = ( n_refinement_layers * target_z_size_fine ) # if, groundwater isolator is deeper than the model area else: space_next_layer_refined = 0 absolute_height_of_layers: list = [] number_of_layers.append([]) # Evaluate Mesh for the Soil-Layers for j in range( 1, len(list_of_needed_depths) ): # not sure, hope to run up to the bounds of the layer groundwater_list_2 = np.array( [inner_list[2] for inner_list in groundwater_list] ) if ( list_of_needed_depths[j, 0] in groundwater_list_2 and list_of_needed_depths[j, 0] != list_of_needed_depths[-1, 0] ): _compute_layer_spacing( list_of_needed_depths[j - 1, 0], list_of_needed_depths[j, 0], list_of_needed_depths[j - 1, 1], j, len(list_of_needed_depths) - 1, ) # Befehle zum Anlegen einer neuen Extrusion cummulative_height_of_layers.append( ( np.cumsum( np.array(absolute_height_of_layers) / np.sum(absolute_height_of_layers) ) ).tolist() ) depth_of_extrusion.append(np.sum(absolute_height_of_layers)) absolute_height_of_layers = [] number_of_layers.append([]) else: _compute_layer_spacing( list_of_needed_depths[j - 1, 0], list_of_needed_depths[j, 0], list_of_needed_depths[j - 1, 1], j, len(list_of_needed_depths) - 1, ) # print('no fine mesh at layer transition') cummulative_height_of_layers.append( ( np.cumsum( np.array(absolute_height_of_layers) / np.sum(absolute_height_of_layers) ) ).tolist() ) depth_of_extrusion.append(np.sum(absolute_height_of_layers)) # evaluate all extrusion depths with according num of layers All_extrusion_depths: list = [] All_extrusion_layers: list = [] last_height = 0 for i in range(0, len(number_of_layers)): ( depth_of_extrusion[i] * np.array(cummulative_height_of_layers[i]) + last_height ) All_extrusion_depths.append( ( depth_of_extrusion[i] * np.array(cummulative_height_of_layers[i]) + last_height ).tolist() ) last_height = All_extrusion_depths[-1][-1] All_extrusion_layers.append(number_of_layers[i]) all_extrusion = np.array( [ _flatten_concatenation(All_extrusion_depths), _flatten_concatenation(All_extrusion_layers), ] ).transpose() BHE_extrusion_layers: list = [] BHE_extrusion_depths: list = [] # evaluate the extrusion for the BHE's for i in range(0, len(BHE_array)): needed_extrusion = all_extrusion[ ( (all_extrusion[:, 0] >= np.abs(BHE_array[i].z_begin)) & ( all_extrusion[:, 0] <= np.abs(BHE_array[i].z_end) + 0.001 ) # add little relax tolerance 0.001 ) ] BHE_extrusion_layers.append(needed_extrusion[:, 1]) BHE_extrusion_depths.append( (needed_extrusion[:, 0] - np.abs(BHE_array[i].z_begin)) / (needed_extrusion[-1, 0] - np.abs(BHE_array[i].z_begin)) ) # define the inner square with BHE inside # compute the box size from the BHE-Coordinates x_BHE = [BHE_array[i].x for i in range(0, len(BHE_array))] y_BHE = [BHE_array[i].y for i in range(0, len(BHE_array))] x_min = np.min(x_BHE) - dist_box_x x_max = np.max(x_BHE) + dist_box_x y_min = np.min(y_BHE) - dist_box_y y_max = np.max(y_BHE) + dist_box_y # Index for the right export of the groundwater inflow surface and adapt mesh sizes according to GW-flow plus_x_mesh_size = inner_mesh_size minus_x_mesh_size = inner_mesh_size # plus_y_mesh_size = inner_mesh_size minus_y_mesh_size = inner_mesh_size alpha = 6.134 # see Diersch et al. 2011 Part 2 for 6 surrounding nodes, not to be defined by user outer_mesh_size_inner = (outer_mesh_size + inner_mesh_size) / 2 gmsh.initialize() gmsh.model.add(Path(out_name).stem) if meshing_type == "structured": _mesh_structured() elif meshing_type == "prism": _mesh_prism() else: # pragma: no cover gmsh.finalize() msg = "Unknown meshing type! prism and structured supported" raise Exception(msg) gmsh.model.mesh.generate(3) gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.SecondOrderIncomplete", 1) gmsh.model.mesh.setOrder(order) gmsh.model.mesh.removeDuplicateNodes() # delete zero-volume elements elem_tags, node_tags = gmsh.model.mesh.getElementsByType( 1 ) # 1 for line elements --> BHE's are the reason elem_qualities = gmsh.model.mesh.getElementQualities( elementTags=elem_tags, qualityName="volume" ) zero_volume_elements_id = np.argwhere(elem_qualities == 0) # only possible with the hack over the visibilitiy, see gmsh.model.mesh.setVisibility( elem_tags[zero_volume_elements_id].flatten().tolist(), 0 ) gmsh.plugin.setNumber("Invisible", "DeleteElements", 1)"Invisible") gmsh.write(str(out_name)) gmsh.finalize()
[docs] def gen_bhe_mesh( length: float, # e.g. 150.0 width: float, # e.g. 100 layer: Union[float, list[float]], # e.g. 100 groundwater: Union[Groundwater, list[Groundwater]], BHE_Array: Union[ BHE, list[BHE], ], target_z_size_coarse: float = 7.5, target_z_size_fine: float = 1.5, n_refinement_layers: int = 2, meshing_type: str = "structured", dist_box_x: float = 5.0, dist_box_y: float = 10.0, inner_mesh_size: float = 5.0, outer_mesh_size: float = 10.0, propagation: float = 1.1, order: int = 1, out_name: Path = Path("bhe_mesh.vtu"), ) -> list[str]: """ Create a generic BHE mesh for the Heat_Transport_BHE-Process with additionally submeshes at the top, at the bottom and the groundwater inflow, which is exported in the OGS readable .vtu format. Refinement layers are placed at the BHE-begin, the BHE-end and the groundwater start/end. See detailed description of the parameters below: :param length: Length of the model area in m (x-dimension) :param width: Width of the model area in m (y-dimension) :param layer: List of the soil layer thickness in m :param groundwater: List of groundwater layers, where every is specified by a tuple of three entries: [depth of groundwater begin (negative), number of the groundwater isolation layer (count starts with 0), groundwater inflow direction, as string - supported '+x', '-x', '-y', '+y'], empty list [] for no groundwater flow :param BHE_Array: List of BHEs, where every BHE is specified by a tuple of five floats: [x-coordinate BHE, y-coordinate BHE, BHE begin depth (zero or negative), BHE end depth (negative), borehole radius in m] :param target_z_size_coarse: maximum edge length of the elements in m in z-direction, if no refinemnt needed :param target_z_size_fine: maximum edge length of the elements in the refinement zone in m in z-direction :param n_refinement_layers: number of refinement layers which are evenly set above and beneath the refinemnt depths (see general description above) :param meshing_type: 'structured' and 'prism' are supported :param dist_box_x: distance in m in x-direction of the refinemnt box according to the BHE's :param dist_box_y: distance in m in y-direction of the refinemnt box according to the BHE's :param inner_mesh_size: mesh size inside the refinement box in m :param outer_mesh_size: mesh size outside of the refinement box in m :param propagation: growth of the outer_mesh_size, only supported by meshing_type 'structured' :param order: Define the order of the mesh: 1 for linear finite elements / 2 for quadratic finite elements :param out_name: name of the exported mesh, must end with .vtu :return: list of filenames of the created vtu mesh files """ tmp_dir = Path(mkdtemp()) mesh_name = out_name.stem msh_file = tmp_dir / f"{mesh_name}.msh" # using gen_bhe_mesh_gmsh as basis function gen_bhe_mesh_gmsh( length=length, width=width, layer=layer, groundwater=groundwater, BHE_Array=BHE_Array, target_z_size_coarse=target_z_size_coarse, target_z_size_fine=target_z_size_fine, n_refinement_layers=n_refinement_layers, meshing_type=meshing_type, dist_box_x=dist_box_x, dist_box_y=dist_box_y, inner_mesh_size=inner_mesh_size, outer_mesh_size=outer_mesh_size, propagation=propagation, order=order, out_name=msh_file, ) msh2vtu( msh_file, output_path=out_name.parents[0], dim=[1, 3], reindex=True, log_level="ERROR", ) mesh_names = [ f"{mesh_name}_domain.vtu", f"{mesh_name}_physical_group_Top_Surface.vtu", f"{mesh_name}_physical_group_Bottom_Surface.vtu", ] groundwater = ( [groundwater] if isinstance(groundwater, Groundwater) else groundwater ) for i in range(0, len(groundwater)): mesh_names.append( f"{mesh_name}_physical_group_Groundwater_Inflow_{i}.vtu" ) return mesh_names