Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (
#            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
#            See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or

"""Defines the Scalar, Vector and Matrix Property classes.

They serve as classes to handle common physical properties in a systematic
way (e.g. temperature, pressure, displacement, …). Unit conversion is handled
via pint.

from import Sequence
from dataclasses import dataclass, replace
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
from matplotlib.colors import Colormap
from pint.facets.plain import PlainQuantity

from .custom_colormaps import mask_cmap
from .tensor_math import identity
from .unit_registry import u_reg

[docs] @dataclass class Property: """Represent a generic mesh property.""" data_name: str """The name of the property data in the mesh.""" data_unit: str = "" """The unit of the property data in the mesh.""" output_unit: str = "" """The output unit of the property.""" output_name: str = "" """The output name of the property.""" mask: str = "" """The name of the mask data in the mesh.""" func: Callable = identity """The function to be applied on the data. .. seealso:: :meth:`~ogstools.propertylib.Property.transform`""" mesh_dependent: bool = False """If the function to be applied is dependent on the mesh itself""" process_with_units: bool = False """If true, apply the function on values with units.""" cmap: Union[Colormap, str] = "coolwarm" """Colormap to use for plotting.""" bilinear_cmap: bool = False """Should this property be displayed with a bilinear cmap?""" categoric: bool = False """Does this property only have categoric values?""" color: Optional[str] = None """Default color for the variable to be used by meshplotlib""" linestyle: Optional[tuple] = None """Default linestyle for the variable to be used by meshplotlib""" def __post_init__(self) -> None: if not self.output_name: self.output_name = self.data_name @property def type_name(self) -> str: return type(self).__name__
[docs] def replace(self: "Property", **changes: Any) -> "Property": """ Create a new Property object with modified attributes. Be aware that there is no type check safety here. So make sure, the new attributes and values are correct. :param changes: Attributes to be changed. :returns: A copy of the Property with changed attributes. """ return replace(self, **changes)
[docs] @classmethod def from_property( # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] cls, new_property: "Property", **changes: Any ): "Create a new Property object with modified attributes." return cls( data_name=new_property.data_name, data_unit=new_property.data_unit, output_unit=new_property.output_unit, output_name=new_property.output_name, mask=new_property.mask, func=new_property.func, mesh_dependent=new_property.mesh_dependent, process_with_units=new_property.process_with_units, cmap=new_property.cmap, categoric=new_property.categoric, ).replace(**changes)
[docs] def transform( self, data: Union[int, float, np.ndarray, pv.UnstructuredGrid, Sequence], strip_unit: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Return the transformed data values. Converts the data from data_unit to output_unit and applies the transformation function of this property. The result is returned by default without units. if `strip_unit` is False, a quantity is returned. Note: If `self.mesh_dependent` is True, `self.func` is applied directly to the mesh. Otherwise, it is determined by `self.process_with_units` if the data is passed to the function with units (i.e. as a pint quantity) or without. """ Qty, d_u, o_u = u_reg.Quantity, self.data_unit, self.output_unit if self.mesh_dependent: if isinstance(data, (pv.DataSet, pv.UnstructuredGrid)): result = Qty(self.func(data, self), o_u) else: msg = "This property can only be evaluated on a mesh." raise TypeError(msg) else: if isinstance(data, (pv.DataSet, pv.UnstructuredGrid)): result = Qty(self.func(Qty(self._get_data(data), d_u)), o_u) elif self.process_with_units: result = Qty(self.func(Qty(data, d_u)), o_u) else: result = Qty(Qty(self.func(np.asarray(data)), d_u), o_u) return result.magnitude if strip_unit else result
[docs] def get_output_unit(self) -> str: """ Get the output unit. returns: The output unit. """ return "%" if self.output_unit == "percent" else self.output_unit
@property def difference(self) -> "Property": "returns: A property relating to differences in this quantity." quantity = u_reg.Quantity(1, self.output_unit) diff_quantity: PlainQuantity = quantity - quantity diff_unit = str(diff_quantity.units) if diff_unit == "delta_degC": diff_unit = "kelvin" outname = self.output_name + "_difference" return self.replace( data_name=outname, data_unit=diff_unit, output_unit=diff_unit, output_name=outname, bilinear_cmap=True, func=identity, mesh_dependent=False, cmap=self.cmap if self.bilinear_cmap else "coolwarm", )
[docs] def is_mask(self) -> bool: """ Check if the property is a mask. :returns: True if the property is a mask, False otherwise. """ return self.data_name == self.mask
[docs] def get_mask(self) -> "Property": """ :returns: A property representing this properties mask. """ return Property( data_name=self.mask, mask=self.mask, categoric=True, cmap=mask_cmap )
@property def magnitude(self) -> "Property": return self
[docs] def mask_used(self, mesh: pv.UnstructuredGrid) -> bool: "Check whether the mesh contains the mask of this property." return ( not self.is_mask() and self.mask in mesh.cell_data and (len(mesh.cell_data[self.mask]) != 0) )
def _get_data( self, mesh: pv.UnstructuredGrid, masked: bool = True ) -> np.ndarray: "Get the data associated with a scalar or vector property from a mesh." if self.data_name not in ( data_keys := ",".join(set().union(mesh.point_data, mesh.cell_data)) ): msg = ( f"Data name {self.data_name} not found in mesh. " f"Available data names are {data_keys}. " ) raise KeyError(msg) if masked and self.mask_used(mesh): return mesh.ctp(True).threshold(value=[1, 1], scalars=self.mask)[ self.data_name ] return mesh[self.data_name]
[docs] def get_label(self) -> str: "Creates property label in format 'property_name / property_unit'" unit_str = ( f" / {self.get_output_unit()}" if self.get_output_unit() else "" ) return self.output_name.replace("_", " ") + unit_str
[docs] @dataclass class Scalar(Property): "Represent a scalar property."