ogstools.feflowlib package#
- ogstools.feflowlib.assign_bulk_ids(mesh)[source]#
Add data arrays for bulk_node_ids and bulk_element_ids to the given bulk mesh.
- Parameters:
mesh (UnstructuredGrid) – bulk mesh
- class ogstools.feflowlib.FeflowModel[source]#
The FEFLOW model class to access the FEFLOW model.
- No-index:
Initialize a FEFLOW model object
- param feflow_file:
Path to the feflow file.
- param out_path:
Path for the output, if not defined, the same path as input file is taken.
- __init__(feflow_file, out_path=None)[source]#
Initialize a FEFLOW model object
- param feflow_file:
Path to the feflow file.
- param out_path:
Path for the output, if not defined, the same path as input file is taken.
- property ogs_bulk_mesh: UnstructuredGrid#
The ogs bulk mesh is a copy of the geometry of the FEFLOW model mesh and its MaterialIDs.
- Returns:
The bulk mesh with MaterialIDs.
- property process: str#
The process that is defined in the FEFLOW file. feflowlib cannot create prj-files for all of them.
- Returns:
Process name.
- property material_properties: defaultdict#
Material properties of the mesh.
- Returns:
Dictionary with properties and the corresponding value for each material.
- setup_prj(end_time=1, time_stepping=None, error_tolerance=1e-10, steady=False)[source]#
A proposition for a prj-file to run a OGS simulation. It may be not complete and manual adjustments for time loop or solver configurations must be made.
- Returns:
The ogs6py model created from the FEFLOW model.
- Return type:
- ogstools.feflowlib.remove_bulk_ids(mesh)[source]#
Remove data arrays for bulk_node_ids and bulk_element_ids of the given bulk mesh.
- Parameters:
mesh (UnstructuredGrid) – bulk mesh