ogstools.meshlib.gmsh_converter module#
- ogstools.meshlib.gmsh_converter.meshes_from_gmsh(filename, dim=0, reindex=True, log=True)[source]#
Generates pyvista unstructured grids from a gmsh mesh (.msh).
Extracts domain-, boundary- and physical group-submeshes.
- Parameters:
filename (Path) – Gmsh mesh file (.msh) as input data
dim (int | list[int]) – Spatial dimension (1, 2 or 3), trying automatic detection, if not given. If multiple dimensions are provided, all elements of these dimensions are embedded in the resulting domain mesh.
reindex (bool) – Physical groups / regions / Material IDs to be renumbered consecutively beginning with zero.
log (bool) – If False, silence log messages
- Returns:
A dictionary of names and corresponding meshes
- Return type:
dict[str, Mesh]