Source code for ogstools.feflowlib.feflow_model

# Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (
#            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
#            See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or

import logging as log
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path

import ifm_contrib as ifm
import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv

from ogstools.ogs6py import Project

from . import _tools
from ._feflowlib import convert_properties_mesh
from ._prj_tools import setup_prj_file
from ._templates import (

logger = log.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class FeflowModel: """ The FEFLOW model class to access the FEFLOW model. :no-index: """
[docs] def __init__( self, feflow_file: Path | str, out_path: Path | None = None, ): """ Initialize a FEFLOW model object :param feflow_file: Path to the feflow file. :param out_path: Path for the output, if not defined, the same path as input file is taken. """ feflow_file = Path(feflow_file) if out_path is None: self.mesh_path = Path(feflow_file.with_suffix(".vtu")) else: self.mesh_path = Path(out_path).with_suffix(".vtu") ifm.forceLicense("Viewer") self._doc = ifm.loadDocument(str(feflow_file)) self.mesh = convert_properties_mesh(self._doc) self.dimension = self._doc.getNumberOfDimensions() self.setup_prj() # _project object with default values is initialized here self._init_subdomains() self._mesh_saving_needed = True
@property def ogs_bulk_mesh(self) -> pv.UnstructuredGrid: """ The ogs bulk mesh is a copy of the geometry of the FEFLOW model mesh and its MaterialIDs. :return: The bulk mesh with MaterialIDs. """ bulk_mesh = pv.UnstructuredGrid() bulk_mesh.copy_structure(self.mesh) bulk_mesh["MaterialIDs"] = self.mesh["MaterialIDs"] return bulk_mesh def _init_subdomains(self) -> None: """ The boundary meshes for a ogs model. :return: Dictionary (dict) of boundary meshes, with name as key and mesh as value. """ _subdomains = _tools.extract_point_boundary_conditions(self.mesh) if self.dimension == 3 and ( ( "P_SOUF" in self.mesh.cell_data and not np.all(self.mesh.cell_data["P_SOUF"] == 0) ) or ( "P_IOFLOW" in self.mesh.cell_data and not np.all(self.mesh.cell_data["P_IOFLOW"] == 0) ) ): ( cell_bc_path, cell_bc_mesh, ) = _tools.extract_cell_boundary_conditions(self.mesh) _subdomains[cell_bc_path] = cell_bc_mesh self.subdomains: dict[str, pv.UnstructuredGrid] = _subdomains @property def process(self) -> str: """ The process that is defined in the FEFLOW file. feflowlib cannot create prj-files for all of them. :return: Process name. """ problem_classes = { -1: "Illegal problem class", 0: "Liquid flow", 1: "Component transport", 2: "Hydro thermal", 3: "Combined flow, mass and heat transport [not supported by this feflow converter]", 4: "Combined flow and age transport [not supported by this feflow converter]", 5: "Combined flow, mass, and age transport [not supported by this feflow converter]", 6: "Combined flow, heat, and age transport [not supported by this feflow converter]", 7: "Combined flow, mass, age, and heat transport [not supported by this feflow converter]", } return problem_classes[self._doc.getProblemClass()] @property def material_properties(self) -> defaultdict: """ Material properties of the mesh. :return: Dictionary with properties and the corresponding value for each material. """ process = self.process if "Steady state diffusion" in process or "Liquid flow" in process: material_properties = _tools.get_material_properties_of_H_model( self.mesh ) elif "Hydro thermal" in process: material_properties = _tools.get_material_properties_of_HT_model( self.mesh ) elif "Component transport" in process: material_properties = _tools.get_material_properties_of_CT_model( self.mesh ) else: # For later functions of the converter, material properties are needed. # For this reason, a defaultdict is returned with no material properties in # this case. # ToDo: return a dict of all possible material properties with a warning! material_properties = defaultdict(str) material_properties["undefined"] = ( f"Material properties are only saved on the mesh for this process: '{process}'", ) logger.warning( ( "Material properties are not supported (at the moment) in a model using such a process:", process, ) ) return material_properties # feflow specific
[docs] def setup_prj( self, end_time: int = 1, time_stepping: list | None = None, error_tolerance: float = 1e-10, steady: bool = False, ) -> None: """ A proposition for a prj-file to run a OGS simulation. It may be not complete and manual adjustments for time loop or solver configurations must be made. :return: The ogs6py model created from the FEFLOW model. """ if "Liquid flow" in self.process and not steady: template_model = liquid_flow( Path(self.mesh_path.with_suffix("")), Project(output_file=self.mesh_path.with_suffix(".prj")), dimension=self.dimension, end_time=end_time, time_stepping=time_stepping, error_tolerance=error_tolerance, ) elif "Liquid flow" in self.process and steady: template_model = steady_state_diffusion( Path(self.mesh_path.with_suffix("")), Project(output_file=self.mesh_path.with_suffix(".prj")), error_tolerance=error_tolerance, ) elif "Hydro thermal" in self.process: template_model = hydro_thermal( Path(self.mesh_path.with_suffix("")), Project(output_file=self.mesh_path.with_suffix(".prj")), dimension=self.dimension, end_time=end_time, time_stepping=time_stepping, error_tolerance=error_tolerance, ) elif "Component transport" in self.process or "mass" in self.process: process_name = ( "CT" if "Component transport" in self.process else "undefined" ) species = _tools.get_species(self.mesh) template_model = component_transport( Path(self.mesh_path.with_suffix("")), species, Project(output_file=self.mesh_path.with_suffix(".prj")), process_name=process_name, dimension=self.dimension, end_time=end_time, time_stepping=time_stepping, error_tolerance=error_tolerance, ) else: template_model = create_prj_template( Path(self.mesh_path.with_suffix("")), Project(output_file=self.mesh_path.with_suffix(".prj")), dimension=self.dimension, end_time=end_time, time_stepping=time_stepping, error_tolerance=error_tolerance, ) # replaces default self.project = setup_prj_file( self.mesh_path, self.mesh, self.material_properties, self.process if not steady else "Steady state diffusion", species_list=( species if "Component" in self.process else (species if "mass" in self.process else None) ), model=template_model, )
[docs] def save( self, output_path: None | Path = None, force_saving: bool = False ) -> None: """ Save the converted FEFLOW model. Saves the meshes only if they have not been saved previously. or 'force_saving' is true. :param output_path: The path where the mesh, subdomains and project file will be written. """ if output_path is None: output_path = self.mesh_path self.project.write_input(prjfile_path=output_path.with_suffix(".prj")) if self._mesh_saving_needed or force_saving:".vtu")) for name, subdomain in self.subdomains.items(): / (name + ".vtu")) self._mesh_saving_needed = False else: "The mesh and subdomains have already been saved. As no changes have been detected, saving of the mesh is skipped. The project file is saved (again)." )
[docs] def run( self, output_path: None | Path = None, overwrite: bool = False ) -> None: """ Run the converted FEFLOW model. :param output_path: The path where the mesh, subdomains and project file will be written. """, overwrite) self.project.run_model()