
How to use feflowlib#

Section author: Julian Heinze (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ)

The following shows a brief example of how the feflowlib can be used.

How to work with FEFLOW data in pyvista.

How to work with FEFLOW data in pyvista.

Hydraulic model - conversion and simulation

Hydraulic model - conversion and simulation

Hydro-thermal model - conversion and simulation

Hydro-thermal model - conversion and simulation

Component-transport model - conversion and simulation

Component-transport model - conversion and simulation

How to use logparser#

Section author: Tobias Meisel (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ)

The following jupyter notebooks provide some examples of how to use the logparser.



Predefined Analyses

Predefined Analyses

Advanced topics

Advanced topics

How to use meshlib#

Section author: Tobias Meisel (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ)

The following jupyter notebooks provide some examples of how to use meshlib.

Read mesh from file (vtu or xdmf) into pyvista mesh

Read mesh from file (vtu or xdmf) into pyvista mesh

Creating meshes from pyvista surfaces

Creating meshes from pyvista surfaces

Differences between meshes

Differences between meshes

Creating meshes from vtu surface files

Creating meshes from vtu surface files

Extract a 1D profile from 2D and plot it

Extract a 1D profile from 2D and plot it

Creating a BHE mesh (Borehole Heat Exchanger)

Creating a BHE mesh (Borehole Heat Exchanger)

How to use meshplotlib#

Section author: Florian Zill (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ)

The following jupyter notebooks provide some examples of how to use meshplotlib.

Analyzing Meshseries Data

Analyzing Meshseries Data

Visualizing 2D model data

Visualizing 2D model data

Visualizing 3D model data

Visualizing 3D model data

How to create Animations

How to create Animations

Plotting different process variables on already existing Matplotlib figures / axes

Plotting different process variables on already existing Matplotlib figures / axes

Aspect ratios

Aspect ratios

Labeling directional shared axes

Labeling directional shared axes

How to plot data at observation points

How to plot data at observation points

Stress analysis

Stress analysis

Using proxy models for nuclear waste heat production#

Section author: Florian Zill (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ)

The following jupyter notebook shows some example usage of the `nuclearwasteheat` submodule. In the context of OGS, this submodule is meant to provide an easy way to calculate the heat generated by nuclear waste repositories, to apply it in a simulation as the source term for the temperature process variable.

Plotting nuclear waste heat over time

Plotting nuclear waste heat over time

Features of propertylib#

Section author: Florian Zill (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ)

The following jupyter notebook shows some example usage of the propertylib submodule.

Property Presets

Property Presets

Features of studies#

Section author: Florian Zill, Tobias Meisel (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ)

The following jupyter notebook shows some example usage of the studies submodule.

Convergence study (spatial refinement)

Convergence study (spatial refinement)

Convergence study (spatial & temporal refinement)

Convergence study (spatial & temporal refinement)