
On this page you will find practical examples of using various features of how ogstools can be used. Different stages of the simulation workflow are covered.

Quick start#

In this section you will find examples helping you use the most commonly used features of ogstools: reading data, plotting and simple post-processing

Read mesh from file (vtu or xdmf) into pyvista mesh

Read mesh from file (vtu or xdmf) into pyvista mesh

Stress analysis

Stress analysis

Pre-processing: preparing the simulation#

This section shows how to create bulk meshes for the OGS simulation. To complete the model, boundary meshes and a prj file must be created in addition to the bulk mesh. Examples on those subjects will be added in the future.

Creating a BHE mesh (Borehole Heat Exchanger)

Creating a BHE mesh (Borehole Heat Exchanger)

Setting initial properties and variables in bulk meshes

Setting initial properties and variables in bulk meshes

Creating meshes from pyvista surfaces

Creating meshes from pyvista surfaces

Creating meshes from vtu surface files

Creating meshes from vtu surface files

Remeshing with triangle elements

Remeshing with triangle elements

Meshing a shapefile

Meshing a shapefile

Terrain meshing

Terrain meshing

Create and manipulate prj-files#

The following jupyter notebooks provide some examples of how to use ogstools to create and manipulate prj-files to configure OGS models.

How to Create Simple Mechanics Problem

How to Create Simple Mechanics Problem

How to Manipulate Prj-Files

How to Manipulate Prj-Files

Running the simulation#

This section covers tools, that can be used to monitor OGS simulations at runtime. Examples about running simulations from Python will be added in the future.

Logparser: Introduction

Logparser: Introduction

Logparser: Predefined Analyses

Logparser: Predefined Analyses

Logparser: Advanced topics

Logparser: Advanced topics

Post-processing: reading and analyzing the data#

Aggregation of Meshseries Data

Aggregation of Meshseries Data

Calculate differences between meshes

Calculate differences between meshes

Spatial & temporal refinement - nuclear decay

Spatial & temporal refinement - nuclear decay

Spatial refinement - steady state diffusion

Spatial refinement - steady state diffusion

Analyzing integration point data

Analyzing integration point data

Plotting nuclear waste heat over time

Plotting nuclear waste heat over time

Plot data of a sampling lines

Plot data of a sampling lines

Variable presets and data transformation

Variable presets and data transformation

Plotting the data#

The following jupyter notebooks provide some examples of how to use ogstools to create all different kinds of plots.

How to create Animations

How to create Animations

Aspect ratios

Aspect ratios

Visualizing 2D model data

Visualizing 2D model data

Visualizing 3D model data

Visualizing 3D model data

How to plot data at observation points

How to plot data at observation points

Shared axes

Shared axes

How to Create Time Slices

How to Create Time Slices

Plotting different process variables on already existing Matplotlib figures / axes

Plotting different process variables on already existing Matplotlib figures / axes

Conversion tools#

This section covers tools designed to help with converting already existing simulations setup with alternative software to open formats compatible with OGS.

Feflowlib: How to get started with the FEFLOW converter.

Feflowlib: How to get started with the FEFLOW converter.

Feflowlib: How to modify boundary conditions after conversion of a FEFLOW model.

Feflowlib: How to modify boundary conditions after conversion of a FEFLOW model.

Feflowlib: How to modify the project-file after converting a FEFLOW model.

Feflowlib: How to modify the project-file after converting a FEFLOW model.

Workflow: Component-transport model - conversion, simulation, postprocessing

Workflow: Component-transport model - conversion, simulation, postprocessing

Workflow: Hydraulic model - conversion, simulation and post-processing

Workflow: Hydraulic model - conversion, simulation and post-processing

Workflow: Hydro-thermal model - conversion, simulation and post-processing

Workflow: Hydro-thermal model - conversion, simulation and post-processing