Workflow: Hydraulic model - conversion, simulation and post-processing#

Section author: Julian Heinze (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ)

In this example we show how a simple flow/hydraulic FEFLOW model can be converted to a pyvista.UnstructuredGrid and then be simulated in ot.

  1. Necessary imports

import tempfile
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv

import ogstools as ot
from ogstools.examples import feflow_model_box_Neumann
from ogstools.feflowlib import (

1. Load a FEFLOW model (.fem) as a FeflowModel object to further work it. During the initialisation, the FEFLOW file is converted.

temp_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp("feflow_test_simulation"))
feflow_model = FeflowModel(feflow_model_box_Neumann, temp_dir / "boxNeumann")
pv.global_theme.colorbar_orientation = "vertical"
    cpos=[0, 1, 0.5],
    scalar_bar_args={"position_x": 0.1, "position_y": 0.25},
plot E feflowlib H simulation
UnstructuredGrid (0x7b26fffe23e0)
  N Cells:    11462
  N Points:   6768
  X Bounds:   0.000e+00, 1.000e+02
  Y Bounds:   0.000e+00, 1.000e+02
  Z Bounds:   -1.000e+02, 0.000e+00
  N Arrays:   23
  1. Extract the subdomains conditions.

subdomains = feflow_model.subdomains
# Since there can be multiple boundary conditions in the subdomains,
# they are plotted iteratively.
plotter = pv.Plotter(shape=(len(subdomains), 1))
for i, (name, boundary_condition) in enumerate(subdomains.items()):
    # topsurface refers to a cell based boundary condition.
    if name != "topsurface":
        plotter.subplot(i, 0)
        plotter.add_mesh(boundary_condition, scalars=name)
plot E feflowlib H simulation
  1. Define endtime and time stepping in the project-file.

    time_stepping=[(1, 10), (5, 100), (10, 1000), (10, 1e6), (1, 1e7)],
  1. Run the model
OGS finished with project file /tmp/tmppbvw3lwpfeflow_test_simulation/boxNeumann.prj.
Execution took 2.545957326889038 s
Project file written to output.
  1. Read the results and plot them.

ms = ot.MeshSeries(temp_dir / "boxNeumann.pvd")
# Read the last timestep:
ogs_sim_res = ms.mesh(ms.timesteps[-1])
It is also possible to read the file directly with pyvista:
ogs_sim_res = / "boxNeumann_ts_1_t_1.000000.vtu")
    cpos=[0, 1, 0.5],
    scalar_bar_args={"position_x": 0.1, "position_y": 0.25},
plot E feflowlib H simulation

5.1 Plot the hydraulic head simulated in OGS with ogstools.plot.contourf.

head = ot.variables.Scalar(data_name="HEAD_OGS", data_unit="m", output_unit="m")
fig = ot.plot.contourf(ogs_sim_res.slice(normal="z", origin=[50, 50, 0]), head)
plot E feflowlib H simulation
  1. Calculate the difference to the FEFLOW simulation and plot it.

diff = feflow_model.mesh["P_HEAD"] - ogs_sim_res["HEAD_OGS"]
feflow_model.mesh["diff_HEAD"] = diff
    cpos=[0, 1, 0.5],
    scalar_bar_args={"position_x": 0.1, "position_y": 0.25},
plot E feflowlib H simulation

6.1 Plot the differences in the hydraulic head with ogstools.plot.contourf. Slices are taken along the z-axis.

diff_head = ot.variables.Scalar(
    data_name="diff_HEAD", data_unit="m", output_unit="m"
slices = np.reshape(
    list(feflow_model.mesh.slice_along_axis(n=4, axis="z")), (2, 2)
fig = ot.plot.contourf(slices, diff_head)
for ax, slice in zip(fig.axes, np.ravel(slices), strict=False):
    ax.set_title(f"z = {[2]:.1f} m", fontsize=32)
z = -99.0 m, z = -66.3 m, z = -33.7 m, z = -1.0 m

6.2 Slices are taken along the y-axis.

slices = np.reshape(
    list(feflow_model.mesh.slice_along_axis(n=4, axis="y")), (2, 2)
fig = ot.plot.contourf(slices, diff_head)
for ax, slice in zip(fig.axes, np.ravel(slices), strict=False):
    ax.set_title(f"y = {[1]:.1f} m", fontsize=32)
y = 1.0 m, y = 33.7 m, y = 66.3 m, y = 99.0 m

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 5.443 seconds)