Source code for ogstools.ogs6py.curves
Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (
Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
See accompanying file LICENSE or
from lxml import etree as ET
from ogstools.ogs6py import build_tree
class Curves(build_tree.BuildTree):
Class to create the curve section of the project file.
def __init__(self, tree: ET.ElementTree) -> None:
self.tree = tree
self.root = self.tree.getroot()
self.curves = self.populate_tree(self.root, "curves", overwrite=True)
def add_curve(self, name: str, coords: list, values: list) -> None:
Adds a new curve.
:param name:
:param coords:
:param values:
if len(coords) != len(values):
msg = """Number of time coordinate points differs \
from number of values"""
raise ValueError(msg)
curve = self.populate_tree(self.curves, "curve")
self.populate_tree(curve, "name", name)
coord_str = ""
value_str = ""
for i, coord in enumerate(coords):
if i < (len(coords) - 1):
coord_str = coord_str + str(coord) + " "
value_str = value_str + str(values[i]) + " "
if i == (len(coords) - 1):
coord_str = coord_str + str(coord)
value_str = value_str + str(values[i])
self.populate_tree(curve, "coords", text=coord_str)
self.populate_tree(curve, "values", text=value_str)