Source code for ogstools.ogs6py.display

Copyright (c) 2012-2021, OpenGeoSys Community (
            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
              See accompanying file LICENSE or

from contextlib import suppress

from lxml import etree as ET

    from IPython.display import Markdown, display

    verbose = True
except ImportError:
    verbose = False

[docs] class Display: """Helper class to create a nested dictionary representing the xml structure. """
[docs] def __init__(self, tree: ET.ElementTree): if verbose is True: display(Markdown("## OpenGeoSys project file")) display(Markdown("### Main Info")) with suppress(AttributeError): display( Markdown( f"**Process name:** {tree.find('./processes/process/name').text}" ) ) with suppress(AttributeError): display( Markdown( f"**Process type:** {tree.find('./processes/process/type').text}" ) ) with suppress(AttributeError): t_end = float( tree.find( "./time_loop/processes/process/time_stepping/t_end" ).text ) t_init = float( tree.find( "./time_loop/processes/process/time_stepping/t_initial" ).text ) display(Markdown(f"**Simulation time:** {t_end-t_init}")) with suppress(AttributeError): proc_vars = tree.findall("./process_variables/process_variable") with suppress(AttributeError): display( Markdown( f"**Output prefix:** {tree.find('./time_loop/output/prefix').text}" ) ) display(Markdown("### Boundary conditions")) for var in proc_vars: proc_var_entries = var.getchildren() for entry in proc_var_entries: if entry.tag == "name": display( Markdown(f"**Process Variable:** {entry.text}") ) if entry.tag == "initial_condition": display( Markdown( f" - **Initial Condition:** {entry.text}" ) ) if entry.tag == "order": display(Markdown(f" - **Order:** {entry.text}")) if entry.tag == "boundary_conditions": bcs = entry.getchildren() for bc in bcs: bc_entries = bc.getchildren() for subentry in bc_entries: if subentry.tag == "type": display( Markdown( f" - **Type:** {subentry.text}" ) ) if subentry.tag == "mesh": display( Markdown( f" - **Mesh:** {subentry.text}" ) ) if subentry.tag == "geometrical_set": display( Markdown( f" - **Geometrical Set:** {subentry.text}" ) ) if subentry.tag == "geometry": display( Markdown( f" - **Geometry:** {subentry.text}" ) )