Source code for ogstools.ogs6py.processes

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            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
              See accompanying file LICENSE or

from typing import Any

from lxml import etree as ET

from ogstools.ogs6py import build_tree

[docs] class Processes(build_tree.BuildTree): """ Class for managing the processes section in the project file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, tree: ET.ElementTree) -> None: self.tree = tree self.root = self.tree.getroot() self.processes = self.populate_tree( self.root, "processes", overwrite=True ) self.process = self.populate_tree( self.processes, "process", overwrite=True ) self.procvars = None self.procvar: dict[str, ET.Element] = {} self.secondvars = None self.process_baseentries: dict[str, ET.Element] = {} self.borehole_heat_exchangers = None self.borehole_heat_exchanger: list[ET.Element] = []
[docs] def add_process_variable( self, process_variable: str = "", process_variable_name: str = "" ) -> None: """ Adds a process variable. Parameters ---------- process_variable : `str` process_variable_name : `str` """ self.procvars = self.populate_tree( self.process, "process_variables", overwrite=True ) if process_variable != "": if process_variable_name == "": msg = "process_variable_name missing." raise KeyError(msg) self.procvar[process_variable] = self.populate_tree( self.procvars, process_variable, text=process_variable_name )
[docs] def add_secondary_variable( self, internal_name: str, output_name: str ) -> None: """ Adds a secondary variable. Parameters ---------- internal_variable : `str` output_name : `str` """ self.secondvars = self.populate_tree( self.process, "secondary_variables", overwrite=True ) attrs = {"internal_name": internal_name, "output_name": output_name} self.populate_tree(self.secondvars, "secondary_variable", attr=attrs)
[docs] def set_process(self, **args: Any) -> None: """ Set basic process properties. Any pair tag="value" translates to <tag>value</tag> in process section. Parameters ---------- name : `str` type : `str` integration_order : `str` darcy_gravity/specific_body_force : `list` or `tuple` """ self._convertargs(args) if "name" not in args: msg = "No process name given." raise KeyError(msg) if "type" not in args: msg = "type missing." raise KeyError(msg) if "integration_order" not in args: msg = "integration_order missing." raise KeyError(msg) for key, value in args.items(): if key == "darcy_gravity": for i, entry in enumerate(args["darcy_gravity"]): if entry != 0.0: self.process_baseentries[ "darcy_gravity" ] = self.populate_tree( self.process, "darcy_gravity", overwrite=True ) self.populate_tree( self.process_baseentries["darcy_gravity"], "axis_id", text=str(i), ) self.populate_tree( self.process_baseentries["darcy_gravity"], "g", text=str(entry), ) elif key == "specific_body_force": if isinstance(args["specific_body_force"], list): self.populate_tree( self.process, "specific_body_force", text=" ".join( str(x) for x in args["specific_body_force"] ), overwrite=True, ) else: self.populate_tree( self.process, "specific_body_force", text=args["specific_body_force"], overwrite=True, ) elif (key == "coupling_scheme") and ( args["type"] in ["HYDRO_MECHANICS"] ): cs = self.populate_tree( self.process, "coupling_scheme", overwrite=True ) self.populate_tree( cs, "type", text=args["coupling_scheme"], overwrite=True ) else: if isinstance(value, str): self.populate_tree( self.process, key, text=value, overwrite=True ) else: msg = f"{key} is not of type string" raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def set_constitutive_relation(self, **args: Any) -> None: """ Sets constituitive relation. Parameters ---------- Any pair property="parameter_name" translates to <property>parameter_name</property> in constitutive_relation section if more constitutuitive relations are given use id key word. """ self._convertargs(args) if "id" in args: const_rel = self.populate_tree( self.process, "constitutive_relation", attr={"id": args["id"]} ) else: const_rel = self.populate_tree( self.process, "constitutive_relation", overwrite=True ) for key, value in args.items(): if key not in ["id"]: self.populate_tree(const_rel, key, text=value, overwrite=True)
[docs] def add_bhe_type(self, bhe_type: str) -> None: """ Adds a BHE type- """ self.borehole_heat_exchangers = self.populate_tree( self.process, "borehole_heat_exchangers", overwrite=True ) self.borehole_heat_exchanger.append( self.populate_tree( self.borehole_heat_exchangers, "borehole_heat_exchanger" ) ) self.populate_tree( self.borehole_heat_exchanger[-1], "type", text=bhe_type )
[docs] def add_bhe_component(self, index: int = 0, **args: Any) -> None: """ Adds a BHE component. """ self._convertargs(args) bhe_type = "" if "comp_type" not in args: msg = "No BHE component name specified." raise KeyError(msg) bhecomponent = self.populate_tree( self.borehole_heat_exchanger[index], args["comp_type"] ) if bhecomponent.tag == "borehole": self.populate_tree(bhecomponent, "length", text=args["length"]) self.populate_tree(bhecomponent, "diameter", text=args["diameter"]) elif bhecomponent.tag == "pipes": for element in self.borehole_heat_exchanger[index]: if element.tag == "type": bhe_type = element.text inlet_text = "inlet" outlet_text = "outlet" if bhe_type in ("CXA", "CXC"): inlet_text = "inner" outlet_text = "outer" inlet = self.populate_tree(bhecomponent, inlet_text) outlet = self.populate_tree(bhecomponent, outlet_text) self.populate_tree(inlet, "diameter", text=args["inlet_diameter"]) self.populate_tree( inlet, "wall_thickness", text=args["inlet_wall_thickness"] ) self.populate_tree( inlet, "wall_thermal_conductivity", text=args["inlet_wall_thermal_conductivity"], ) self.populate_tree(outlet, "diameter", text=args["outlet_diameter"]) self.populate_tree( outlet, "wall_thickness", text=args["outlet_wall_thickness"] ) self.populate_tree( outlet, "wall_thermal_conductivity", text=args["outlet_wall_thermal_conductivity"], ) self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "distance_between_pipes", text=args["distance_between_pipes"], ) self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "longitudinal_dispersion_length", text=args["longitudinal_dispersion_length"], ) elif bhecomponent.tag == "flow_and_temperature_control": self.populate_tree(bhecomponent, "type", text=args["type"]) if args["type"] == "FixedPowerConstantFlow": self.populate_tree(bhecomponent, "power", text=args["power"]) self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "flow_rate", text=args["flow_rate"] ) elif args["type"] == "FixedPowerFlowCurve": self.populate_tree(bhecomponent, "power", text=args["power"]) self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "flow_rate_curve", text=args["flow_rate_curve"], ) elif args["type"] == "PowerCurveConstantFlow": self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "power_curve", text=args["power_curve"] ) self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "flow_rate", text=args["flow_rate"] ) elif args["type"] == "TemperatureCurveConstantFlow": self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "flow_rate", text=args["flow_rate"] ) self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "temperature_curve", text=args["temperature_curve"], ) elif args["type"] == "TemperatureCurveFlowCurve": self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "flow_rate_curve", text=args["flow_rate_curve"], ) self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "temperature_curve", text=args["temperature_curve"], ) elif args["type"] == "PowerCurveFlowCurve": self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "power_curve", text=args["power_curve"] ) self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "flow_rate_curve", text=args["flow_rate_curve"], ) elif bhecomponent.tag == "grout": self.populate_tree(bhecomponent, "density", text=args["density"]) self.populate_tree(bhecomponent, "porosity", text=args["porosity"]) self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "specific_heat_capacity", text=args["specific_heat_capacity"], ) self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "thermal_conductivity", text=args["thermal_conductivity"], ) elif bhecomponent.tag == "refrigerant": self.populate_tree(bhecomponent, "density", text=args["density"]) self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "viscosity", text=args["viscosity"] ) self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "specific_heat_capacity", text=args["specific_heat_capacity"], ) self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "thermal_conductivity", text=args["thermal_conductivity"], ) self.populate_tree( bhecomponent, "reference_temperature", text=args["reference_temperature"], )
[docs] def add_surfaceflux(self, **args: Any) -> None: """ Add a SurfaceFlux. Parameters ---------- mesh : `str` property_name : `str` Raises ------ KeyError DESCRIPTION. Returns ------- None. """ self._convertargs(args) if "mesh" not in args: msg = "No surface mesh for flux analysis assigned" raise KeyError(msg) if "property_name" not in args: msg = "No property name, e.g specific_flux, assigned" raise KeyError(msg) surfaceflux = self.populate_tree( self.process, "calculatesurfaceflux", overwrite=True ) self.populate_tree(surfaceflux, "mesh", args["mesh"]) self.populate_tree(surfaceflux, "property_name", args["property_name"])