Source code for ogstools.ogs6py.project

ogs6py is a python-API for the OpenGeoSys finite element software.
Its main functionalities include creating and altering OGS6 input files as well as executing OGS.

Copyright (c) 2012-2021, OpenGeoSys Community (
            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
              See accompanying file LICENSE or

import copy
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

import pandas as pd
from lxml import etree as ET

from ogstools.ogs6py import (
from import (

[docs] class Project: """Class for handling an OGS6 project. In this class everything for an OGS6 project can be specified. Parameters ---------- output_file : `str`, optional Filename of the output project file Default: default.prj input_file : `str`, optional Filename of the input project file xml_string : `str`,optional String containing the XML tree OMP_NUM_THREADS : `int`, optional Sets the environmentvariable before OGS execution to restrict number of OMP Threads verbose : `bool`, optional Default: False """
[docs] def __init__(self, **args: Any) -> None: sys.setrecursionlimit(10000) self.logfile: Path = Path("out.log") self.tree = None self.include_elements: list[ET.Element] = [] self.include_files: list[Path] = [] self.add_includes: list[dict[str, str]] = [] self.output_dir: Path = Path() # default -> current dir self.verbose: bool = args.get("verbose", False) self.threads: int = args.get("OMP_NUM_THREADS", None) self.asm_threads: int = args.get("OGS_ASM_THREADS", self.threads) self.inputfile: Path | None = None self.folder: Path = Path() if "output_file" in args: self.prjfile = Path(args["output_file"]) else: print("output_file not given. Calling it default.prj.") self.prjfile = Path("default.prj") if "input_file" in args: input_file = Path(args["input_file"]) if input_file.is_file(): self.inputfile = input_file self.folder = input_file.parent _ = self._get_root() if self.verbose is True: display.Display(self.tree) else: msg = f"Input project file {args['input_file']} not found." raise FileNotFoundError(msg) else: self.inputfile = None self.root = ET.Element("OpenGeoSysProject") parse = ET.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True, huge_tree=True) tree_string = ET.tostring(self.root, pretty_print=True) self.tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(tree_string, parser=parse)) if "xml_string" in args: root = ET.fromstring(args["xml_string"]) self.tree = ET.ElementTree(root) self.geometry = geo.Geo(self.tree) self.mesh = mesh.Mesh(self.tree) self.processes = processes.Processes(self.tree) self.python_script = python_script.PythonScript(self.tree) = media.Media(self.tree) self.time_loop = timeloop.TimeLoop(self.tree) self.local_coordinate_system = ( local_coordinate_system.LocalCoordinateSystem(self.tree) ) self.parameters = parameters.Parameters(self.tree) self.curves = curves.Curves(self.tree) self.process_variables = processvars.ProcessVars(self.tree) self.nonlinear_solvers = nonlinsolvers.NonLinSolvers(self.tree) self.linear_solvers = linsolvers.LinSolvers(self.tree)
def _replace_blocks_by_includes(self) -> None: for i, file in enumerate(self.include_files): parent_element = self.include_elements[i].getparent() include_element = ET.SubElement(parent_element, "include") file_ = file if self.folder.cwd() else file.relative_to(self.folder) include_element.set("file", str(file_)) parse = ET.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True) include_string = ET.tostring( self.include_elements[i], pretty_print=True ) include_parse = ET.fromstring(include_string, parser=parse) include_tree = ET.ElementTree(include_parse) ET.indent(include_tree, space=" ") include_tree.write( file, encoding="ISO-8859-1", xml_declaration=False, pretty_print=True, ) parent_element.remove(self.include_elements[i]) def _get_root( self, remove_blank_text: bool = False, remove_comments: bool = False ) -> ET.Element: parser = ET.XMLParser( remove_blank_text=remove_blank_text, remove_comments=remove_comments, huge_tree=True, ) if self.tree is None: if self.inputfile is not None: self.tree = ET.parse(str(self.inputfile), parser) else: msg = "No inputfile given. Can't build XML tree." raise RuntimeError(msg) root = self.tree.getroot() all_occurrences = root.findall(".//include") for occurrence in all_occurrences: self.include_files.append(occurrence.attrib["file"]) for i, _ in enumerate(all_occurrences): _tree = ET.parse(str(self.folder / self.include_files[i]), parser) _root = _tree.getroot() parentelement = all_occurrences[i].getparent() children_before = parentelement.getchildren() parentelement.append(_root) parentelement.remove(all_occurrences[i]) children_after = parentelement.getchildren() for child in children_after: if child not in children_before: self.include_elements.append(child) return root def _remove_empty_elements(self) -> None: root = self._get_root() empty_text_list = ["./geometry", "./python_script"] empty_el_list = [ "./time_loop/global_process_coupling", "./curves", "./media", "./local_coordinate_system", ] for element in empty_text_list: entry = root.find(element) if entry is not None: self.remove_element(".", tag=entry.tag, text="") if entry is not None: self.remove_element(".", tag=entry.tag, text=None) for element in empty_el_list: entry = root.find(element) if (entry is not None) and (len(entry.getchildren()) == 0): entry.getparent().remove(entry) @staticmethod def _get_parameter_pointer( root: ET.Element, name: str, xpath: str ) -> ET.Element: params = root.findall(xpath) parameterpointer = None for parameter in params: for paramproperty in parameter: if (paramproperty.tag == "name") and ( paramproperty.text == name ): parameterpointer = parameter if parameterpointer is None: msg = "Parameter/Property not found" raise RuntimeError(msg) return parameterpointer @staticmethod def _get_medium_pointer(root: ET.Element, mediumid: int) -> ET.Element: xpathmedia = "./media/medium" mediae = root.findall(xpathmedia) mediumpointer = None for medium in mediae: try: if medium.attrib["id"] == str(mediumid): mediumpointer = medium except KeyError: if (len(mediae) == 1) and (str(mediumid) == "0"): mediumpointer = medium if mediumpointer is None: msg = "Medium not found" raise RuntimeError(msg) return mediumpointer @staticmethod def _get_phase_pointer(root: ET.Element, phase: str) -> ET.Element: phases = root.findall("./phases/phase") phasetypes = root.findall("./phases/phase/type") phasecounter = None for i, phasetype in enumerate(phasetypes): if phasetype.text == phase: phasecounter = i phasepointer = phases[phasecounter] if phasepointer is None: msg = "Phase not found" raise RuntimeError(msg) return phasepointer @staticmethod def _get_component_pointer(root: ET.Element, component: str) -> ET.Element: components = root.findall("./components/component") componentnames = root.findall("./components/component/name") componentcounter = None for i, componentname in enumerate(componentnames): if componentname.text == component: componentcounter = i componentpointer = components[componentcounter] if componentpointer is None: msg = "Component not found" raise RuntimeError(msg) return componentpointer @staticmethod def _set_type_value( parameterpointer: ET.Element, value: int, parametertype: Any | None, valuetag: str | None = None, ) -> None: for paramproperty in parameterpointer: if (paramproperty.tag == valuetag) and (value is not None): paramproperty.text = str(value) elif paramproperty.tag == "type" and parametertype is not None: paramproperty.text = str(parametertype)
[docs] def add_element( self, parent_xpath: str = "./", tag: str | None = None, text: str | None = None, attrib_list: Any | None = None, attrib_value_list: Any | None = None, ) -> None: """General method to add an Entry. An element is a single tag containing 'text', attributes and anttribute values. Parameters ---------- parent_xpath : `str`, optional XPath of the parent tag tag : `str` tag name text : `str`, `int` or `float` content attrib : `str` attribute keyword attrib_value : `str`, `int` or `float` value of the attribute keyword """ root = self._get_root() parents = root.findall(parent_xpath) for parent in parents: if tag is not None: q = ET.SubElement(parent, tag) if text is not None: q.text = str(text) if attrib_list is not None: if attrib_value_list is None: msg = "attrib_value_list is not given for add_element" raise RuntimeError(msg) if len(attrib_list) != len(attrib_value_list): msg = "The size of attrib_list is not the same as that of attrib_value_list" raise RuntimeError(msg) for attrib, attrib_value in zip( attrib_list, attrib_value_list, strict=False ): q.set(attrib, attrib_value)
[docs] def add_include(self, parent_xpath: str = "./", file: str = "") -> None: """Add include element. Parameters ---------- parent_xpath : `str`, optional XPath of the parent tag file : `str` file name """ self.add_includes.append({"parent_xpath": parent_xpath, "file": file})
def _add_includes(self, root: ET.Element) -> None: for add_include in self.add_includes: parent = root.findall(add_include["parent_xpath"]) newelement = [] for i, entry in enumerate(parent): newelement.append(ET.SubElement(entry, "include")) newelement[i].set("file", add_include["file"])
[docs] def add_block( self, blocktag: str, block_attrib: Any | None = None, parent_xpath: str = "./", taglist: list[str] | None = None, textlist: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: """General method to add a Block. A block consists of an enclosing tag containing a number of subtags retaining a key-value structure. Parameters ---------- blocktag : `str` name of the enclosing tag block_attrib : 'dict', optional attributes belonging to the blocktag parent_xpath : `str`, optional XPath of the parent tag taglist : `list` list of strings containing the keys textlist : `list` list of strings, ints or floats retaining the corresponding values """ root = self._get_root() parents = root.findall(parent_xpath) for parent in parents: q = ET.SubElement(parent, blocktag) if block_attrib is not None: for key, val in block_attrib.items(): q.set(key, val) if (taglist is not None) and (textlist is not None): for i, tag in enumerate(taglist): r = ET.SubElement(q, tag) if textlist[i] is not None: r.text = str(textlist[i])
[docs] def deactivate_property( self, name: str, mediumid: int = 0, phase: str | None = None ) -> None: """Replaces MPL properties by a comment. Parameters ---------- mediumid : `int` id of the medium phase : `str` name of the phase name : `str` property name """ root = self._get_root() mediumpointer = self._get_medium_pointer(root, mediumid) xpathparameter = "./properties/property" if phase is None: parameterpointer = self._get_parameter_pointer( mediumpointer, name, xpathparameter ) else: phasepointer = self._get_phase_pointer(mediumpointer, phase) parameterpointer = self._get_parameter_pointer( phasepointer, name, xpathparameter ) parameterpointer.getparent().replace( parameterpointer, ET.Comment(ET.tostring(parameterpointer)) )
[docs] def deactivate_parameter(self, name: str) -> None: """Replaces parameters by a comment. Parameters ---------- name : `str` property name """ root = self._get_root() parameterpath = "./parameters/parameter" parameterpointer = self._get_parameter_pointer( root, name, parameterpath ) parameterpointer.getparent().replace( parameterpointer, ET.Comment(ET.tostring(parameterpointer)) )
[docs] def remove_element( self, xpath: str, tag: str | None = None, text: str | None = None ) -> None: """Removes an element. Parameters ---------- xpath : `str` tag : `str` text : `str` """ root = self._get_root() elements = root.findall(xpath) if tag is None: for element in elements: element.getparent().remove(element) else: for element in elements: sub_elements = element.getchildren() for sub_element in sub_elements: if sub_element.tag == tag and sub_element.text == text: sub_element.getparent().remove(sub_element)
[docs] def replace_text( self, value: str | int, xpath: str = ".", occurrence: int = -1 ) -> None: """General method for replacing text between opening and closing tags. Parameters ---------- value : `str`/`any` Text xpath : `str`, optional XPath of the tag occurrence : `int`, optional Easy way to address nonunique XPath addresses by their occurrence from the top of the XML file Default: -1 """ root = self._get_root() find_xpath = root.findall(xpath) for i, entry in enumerate(find_xpath): if occurrence < 0 or i == occurrence: entry.text = str(value)
[docs] def replace_block_by_include( self, xpath: str = "./", filename: str = "include.xml", occurrence: int = 0, ) -> None: """General method for replacing a block by an include. Parameters ---------- xpath : `str`, optional XPath of the tag filename : `str`, optional name of the include file occurrence : `int`, optional Addresses nonunique XPath by their occurece """ print( "Note: Includes are only written if write_input(keep_includes=True) is called." ) root = self._get_root() find_xpath = root.findall(xpath) for i, entry in enumerate(find_xpath): if i == occurrence: self.include_elements.append(entry) self.include_files.append(self.prjfile.parent / filename)
[docs] def replace_mesh(self, oldmesh: str, newmesh: str) -> None: """Method to replace meshes. Parameters ---------- oldmesh : `str` newmesh : `str` """ root = self._get_root() bulkmesh = root.find("./mesh") if bulkmesh is not None: if bulkmesh.text == oldmesh: bulkmesh.text = newmesh else: msg = "Bulk mesh name and oldmesh argument don't agree." raise RuntimeError(msg) all_occurrences_meshsection = root.findall("./meshes/mesh") for occurrence in all_occurrences_meshsection: if occurrence.text == oldmesh: occurrence.text = newmesh all_occurrences = root.findall(".//mesh") for occurrence in all_occurrences: if occurrence not in all_occurrences_meshsection: oldmesh_stripped = os.path.split(oldmesh)[1].replace(".vtu", "") newmesh_stripped = os.path.split(newmesh)[1].replace(".vtu", "") if occurrence.text == oldmesh_stripped: occurrence.text = newmesh_stripped
[docs] def replace_parameter( self, name: str = "", parametertype: str = "", taglist: list[str] | None = None, textlist: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Replacing parametertypes and values. Parameters ---------- name : `str` parametername parametertype : `str` parametertype taglist : `list` list of tags needed for parameter spec textlist : `list` values of parameter """ root = self._get_root() parameterpath = "./parameters/parameter[name='" + name + "']" parent = root.find(parameterpath) children = parent.getchildren() for child in children: if child.tag not in ["name", "type"]: self.remove_element(f"{parameterpath}/{child.tag}") paramtype = root.find(f"{parameterpath}/type") paramtype.text = parametertype if (taglist is not None) and (textlist is not None): for i, tag in enumerate(taglist): if tag not in ["name", "type"]: self.add_element( parent_xpath=parameterpath, tag=tag, text=textlist[i] )
[docs] def replace_parameter_value( self, name: str = "", value: int = 0, valuetag: str = "value" ) -> None: """Replacing parameter values. Parameters ---------- name : `str` parametername value : `str` value parametertype : `str` parameter type valuetag : `str`, optional name of the tag containing the value, e.g., values Default: value """ root = self._get_root() parameterpath = "./parameters/parameter" parameterpointer = self._get_parameter_pointer( root, name, parameterpath ) self._set_type_value(parameterpointer, value, None, valuetag=valuetag)
[docs] def replace_phase_property_value( self, mediumid: int = 0, phase: str = "AqueousLiquid", component: str | None = None, name: str = "", value: int = 0, propertytype: str = "Constant", valuetag: str = "value", ) -> None: """Replaces properties in medium phases. Parameters ---------- mediumid : `int` id of the medium phase : `str` name of the phase component : `str` name of the component name : `str` property name value : `str`/any value propertytype : `str` type of the property valuetag : `str`/any name of the tag containing the value, e.g., values Default: value """ root = self._get_root() mediumpointer = self._get_medium_pointer(root, mediumid) phasepointer = self._get_phase_pointer(mediumpointer, phase) if component is not None: phasepointer = self._get_component_pointer(phasepointer, component) xpathparameter = "./properties/property" parameterpointer = self._get_parameter_pointer( phasepointer, name, xpathparameter ) self._set_type_value( parameterpointer, value, propertytype, valuetag=valuetag )
[docs] def replace_medium_property_value( self, mediumid: int = 0, name: str = "", value: int = 0, propertytype: str = "Constant", valuetag: str = "value", ) -> None: """Replaces properties in medium (not belonging to any phase). Parameters ---------- mediumid : `int` id of the medium name : `str` property name value : `str`/any value propertytype : `str` type of the property valuetag : `str`/any name of the tag containing the value, e.g., values Default: value """ root = self._get_root() mediumpointer = self._get_medium_pointer(root, mediumid) xpathparameter = "./properties/property" parameterpointer = self._get_parameter_pointer( mediumpointer, name, xpathparameter ) self._set_type_value( parameterpointer, value, propertytype, valuetag=valuetag )
[docs] def set(self, **args: str | int) -> None: """ Sets directly a uniquely defined property. List of properties is given in the dictory below. """ property_db = { "t_initial": "./time_loop/processes/process/time_stepping/t_initial", "t_end": "./time_loop/processes/process/time_stepping/t_end", "output_prefix": "./time_loop/output/prefix", "reltols": "./time_loop/processes/process/convergence_criterion/reltols", "abstols": "./time_loop/processes/process/convergence_criterion/abstols", "mass_lumping": "./processes/process/mass_lumping", "eigen_solver": "./linear_solvers/linear_solver/eigen/solver_type", "eigen_precon": "./linear_solvers/linear_solver/eigen/precon_type", "eigen_max_iteration_step": "./linear_solvers/linear_solver/eigen/max_iteration_step", "eigen_error_tolerance": "./linear_solvers/linear_solver/eigen/error_tolerance", "eigen_scaling": "./linear_solvers/linear_solver/eigen/scaling", "petsc_prefix": "./linear_solvers/linear_solver/petsc/prefix", "petsc_parameters": "./linear_solvers/linear_solver/petsc/parameters", "compensate_displacement": "./process_variables/process_variable[name='displacement']/compensate_non_equilibrium_initial_residuum", "compensate_all": "./process_variables/process_variable/compensate_non_equilibrium_initial_residuum", } for key, val in args.items(): self.replace_text(val, xpath=property_db[key])
[docs] def restart( self, restart_suffix: str = "_restart", t_initial: float | None = None, t_end: float | None = None, zero_displacement: bool = False, ) -> None: """Prepares the project file for a restart. Takes the last time step from the PVD file mentioned in the PRJ file. Sets initial conditions accordingly. Parameters ---------- restart_suffix : `str`, suffix by which the output prefix is appended t_initial : `float`, optional first time step, takes the last from previous simulation if None t_end : `float`, optional last time step, the same as in previous run if None zero_displacement: `bolean`, False sets the initial displacement to zero if True """ root_prj = self._get_root() filetype = root_prj.find("./time_loop/output/type").text pvdfile = root_prj.find("./time_loop/output/prefix").text + ".pvd" pvdfile = self.output_dir / pvdfile if filetype != "VTK": msg = "Output file type unknown. Please use VTK." raise RuntimeError(msg) tree = ET.parse(pvdfile) xpath = "./Collection/DataSet" root_pvd = tree.getroot() find_xpath = root_pvd.findall(xpath) lastfile = find_xpath[-1].attrib["file"] last_time = find_xpath[-1].attrib["timestep"] try: bulk_mesh = root_prj.find("./mesh").text except AttributeError: try: bulk_mesh = root_prj.find("./meshes/mesh").text except AttributeError: print("Can't find bulk mesh.") self.replace_mesh(bulk_mesh, lastfile) root_prj.find("./time_loop/output/prefix").text = ( root_prj.find("./time_loop/output/prefix").text + restart_suffix ) t_initials = root_prj.findall( "./time_loop/processes/process/time_stepping/t_initial" ) t_ends = root_prj.findall( "./time_loop/processes/process/time_stepping/t_end" ) for i, t0 in enumerate(t_initials): if t_initial is None: t0.text = last_time else: t0.text = str(t_initial) if t_end is not None: t_ends[i].text = str(t_end) process_vars = root_prj.findall( "./process_variables/process_variable/name" ) ic_names = root_prj.findall( "./process_variables/process_variable/initial_condition" ) for i, process_var in enumerate(process_vars): if process_var.text == "displacement" and zero_displacement is True: print( "Please make sure that epsilon_ip is removed from the VTU file before you run OGS." ) zero = {"1": "0", "2": "0 0", "3": "0 0 0"} cpnts = root_prj.find( "./process_variables/process_variable[name='displacement']/components" ).text self.replace_parameter( name=ic_names[i].text, parametertype="Constant", taglist=["values"], textlist=[zero[cpnts]], ) else: self.replace_parameter( name=ic_names[i].text, parametertype="MeshNode", taglist=["mesh", "field_name"], textlist=[ lastfile.split("/")[-1].replace(".vtu", ""), process_var.text, ], ) self.remove_element("./processes/process/initial_stress")
def _post_run_0(self) -> None: self.inputfile = self.prjfile root = self._get_root(remove_blank_text=True, remove_comments=True) prjstring = ET.tostring(root, pretty_print=True) prjstring = ( str(prjstring) .replace("\r", " ") .replace("\n", " ") .replace("--", "") ) if self.tree is None: msg = "self.tree is empty." raise AttributeError(msg) fn_type = self.tree.find("./time_loop/output/type").text fn = None if fn_type == "VTK": fn = self.tree.find("./time_loop/output/prefix").text + ".pvd" fn = self.output_dir / fn elif fn_type == "XDMF": prefix = self.tree.find("./time_loop/output/prefix").text mesh = self.tree.find("./mesh") if mesh is None: mesh = self.tree.find("./meshes/mesh") prefix = self.output_dir / prefix if mesh is not None: fn = str(prefix) + "_" + mesh.text.split(".vtu")[0] + ".xdmf" else: msg = "No mesh found" raise AttributeError(msg) if fn is not None: tree_pvd = ET.parse(fn) root_pvd = tree_pvd.getroot() root_pvd.append(ET.Comment(prjstring)) tree_pvd.write( fn, encoding="ISO-8859-1", xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True, ) print("Project file written to output.") def _post_run_1(self, write_logs: bool) -> None: if write_logs is False: msg = "OGS execution was not successful. Please set write_logs to True to obtain more information." raise RuntimeError(msg) with as lf: num_lines = len(lf.readlines()) with as file: for i, line in enumerate(file): if i > num_lines - 10: print(line) msg = "OGS execution was not successful." raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def run_model( self, logfile: Path = Path("out.log"), path: Path | None = None, args: Any | None = None, container_path: Path | str | None = None, wrapper: Any | None = None, write_logs: bool = True, write_prj_to_pvd: bool = True, ) -> None: """Command to run OGS. Runs OGS with the project file specified as output_file. Parameters ---------- logfile : `str`, optional Name of the file to write STDOUT of ogs Default: out path : `str`, optional Path of the directory in which the ogs executable can be found. If ``container_path`` is given: Path to the directory in which the Singularity executable can be found. args : `str`, optional additional arguments for the ogs executable container_path : `str`, optional Path of the OGS container file. wrapper : `str`, optional add a wrapper command. E.g. mpirun write_logs: `bolean`, optional set False to omit logging """ ogs_path: Path = Path() env_export = "" if self.threads is not None: env_export += f"export OMP_NUM_THREADS={self.threads} && " if self.asm_threads is not None: env_export += f"export OGS_ASM_THREADS={self.asm_threads} && " if container_path is not None: container_path = Path(container_path) container_path = container_path.expanduser() if not container_path.is_file(): msg = """The specific container-path is not a file. \ Please provide a path to the OGS container.""" raise RuntimeError(msg) if str(container_path.suffix).lower() != ".sif": msg = """The specific file is not a Singularity container. \ Please provide a *.sif file containing OGS.""" raise RuntimeError(msg) if path: path = Path(path) path = path.expanduser() if not path.is_dir(): if container_path is not None: msg = """The specified path is not a directory. \ Please provide a directory containing the Singularity executable.""" raise RuntimeError(msg) msg = """The specified path is not a directory. \ Please provide a directory containing the OGS executable.""" raise RuntimeError(msg) ogs_path = ogs_path / path if logfile is not None: self.logfile = Path(logfile) if container_path is not None: if sys.platform == "win32": msg = """Running OGS in a Singularity container is only possible in Linux.\ See\ for Windows solutions.""" raise RuntimeError(msg) ogs_path = ogs_path / "singularity" if shutil.which(str(ogs_path)) is None: msg = """The Singularity executable was not found.\ See\ for installation instructions.""" raise RuntimeError(msg) else: if sys.platform == "win32": ogs_path = ogs_path / "ogs.exe" else: ogs_path = ogs_path / "ogs" if shutil.which(str(ogs_path)) is None: msg = """The OGS executable was not found.\ ee\ for installation instructions.""" raise RuntimeError(msg) cmd = env_export if wrapper is not None: cmd += wrapper + " " cmd += f"{ogs_path} " if container_path is not None: if wrapper is not None: cmd = ( env_export + "singularity exec " + f"{container_path} " + wrapper + " " ) else: cmd = ( env_export + "singularity exec " + f"{container_path} " + "ogs " ) if args is not None: argslist = args.split(" ") output_dir_flag = False for entry in argslist: if output_dir_flag is True: self.output_dir = Path(entry) output_dir_flag = False if "-o" in entry: output_dir_flag = True cmd += f"{args} " if write_logs is True: cmd += f"{self.prjfile} > {self.logfile}" else: cmd += f"{self.prjfile}" startt = time.time() if sys.platform == "win32": returncode = cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, check=False, ) else: returncode = cmd, shell=True, executable="bash", stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, check=False, ) stopt = time.time() self.exec_time = stopt - startt if returncode.returncode == 0: print(f"OGS finished with project file {self.prjfile}.") print(f"Execution took {self.exec_time} s") if write_prj_to_pvd is True: self._post_run_0() else: print(f"Error code: {returncode.returncode}") self._post_run_1(write_logs)
[docs] def write_input(self, keep_includes: bool = False) -> None: """Writes the projectfile to disk. Parameters ---------- keep_includes : `boolean`, optional """ if self.tree is not None: self._remove_empty_elements() if keep_includes is True: self._replace_blocks_by_includes() root = self.tree.getroot() self._add_includes(root) parse = ET.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True) self.tree_string = ET.tostring(root, pretty_print=True) self.tree = ET.ElementTree( ET.fromstring(self.tree_string, parser=parse) ) ET.indent(self.tree, space=" ") if self.verbose is True: display.Display(self.tree) self.tree.write( self.prjfile, encoding="ISO-8859-1", xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True, ) else: msg = "No tree has been build." raise RuntimeError(msg)
def _property_df_move_elastic_properties_to_mpl( self, newtree: ET.ElementTree, root: ET.Element ) -> None: for entry in newtree.findall( "./processes/process/constitutive_relation" ): medium = self._get_medium_pointer(root, entry.attrib.get("id", "0")) parent = medium.find("./phases/phase[type='Solid']/properties") taglist = ["name", "type", "parameter_name"] for subentry in entry: if subentry.tag in [ "youngs_modulus", "poissons_ratio", "youngs_moduli", "poissons_ratios", "shear_moduli", ]: textlist = [subentry.tag, "Parameter", subentry.text] q = ET.SubElement(parent, "property") for i, tag in enumerate(taglist): r = ET.SubElement(q, tag) if textlist[i] is not None: r.text = str(textlist[i]) def _resolve_parameters( self, location: str, newtree: ET.ElementTree ) -> None: parameter_names_add = newtree.findall( f"./media/medium/{location_pointer[location]}properties/property[type='Parameter']/parameter_name" ) parameter_names = [name.text for name in parameter_names_add] for parameter_name in parameter_names: param_type = newtree.find( f"./parameters/parameter[name='{parameter_name}']/type" ).text if param_type == "Constant": param_value = newtree.findall( f"./parameters/parameter[name='{parameter_name}']/value" ) param_value.append( newtree.find( f"./parameters/parameter[name='{parameter_name}']/values" ) ) property_type = newtree.findall( f"./media/medium/{location_pointer[location]}properties/property[parameter_name='{parameter_name}']/type" ) for entry in property_type: entry.text = "Constant" property_value = newtree.findall( f"./media/medium/{location_pointer[location]}properties/property[parameter_name='{parameter_name}']/parameter_name" ) for entry in property_value: entry.tag = "value" entry.text = param_value[0].text def _generate_property_list( self, mediamapping: dict[int, str], numofmedia: int, root: ET.Element, property_names: list, values: dict[str, list], location: str, property_list: list, ) -> list: for name in property_names: values[name] = [] orig_name = "".join(c for c in name if not c.isnumeric()) number_suffix = "".join(c for c in name if c.isnumeric()) if orig_name in property_dict[location]: for medium_id in range(numofmedia): if medium_id in mediamapping: medium = self._get_medium_pointer(root, medium_id) proptytype = medium.find( f"./{location_pointer[location]}properties/property[name='{name}']/type" ) if proptytype is None: values[name].append( Value(mediamapping[medium_id], None) ) else: if proptytype.text == "Constant": value_entry = medium.find( f"./{location_pointer[location]}properties/property[name='{name}']/value" ).text value_entry_list = value_entry.split(" ") if len(value_entry_list) == 1: values[name].append( Value( mediamapping[medium_id], float(value_entry), ) ) else: values[name].append( Value(mediamapping[medium_id], None) ) if number_suffix != "": new_symbol = ( property_dict[location][orig_name]["symbol"][:-1] + "_" + number_suffix + "$" ) else: new_symbol = property_dict[location][orig_name]["symbol"] property_list.append( Property( property_dict[location][orig_name]["title"], new_symbol, property_dict[location][orig_name]["unit"], values[name], ) ) return property_list
[docs] def property_dataframe( self, mediamapping: dict[int, str] | None = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Returns a dataframe containing most properties defined in the Material Property (MPL) section of the input file. Parameters ---------- mediamapping : `dict`, optional """ newtree = copy.deepcopy(self.tree) if (newtree is None) or (self.tree is None): msg = "No tree existing." raise AttributeError(msg) root = newtree.getroot() property_list: list[Property] = [] multidim_prop: dict[int, dict] = {} numofmedia = len(self.tree.findall("./media/medium")) if mediamapping is None: mediamapping = {} for i in range(numofmedia): mediamapping[i] = f"medium {i}" for i in range(numofmedia): multidim_prop[i] = {} self._property_df_move_elastic_properties_to_mpl(newtree, root) for location in location_pointer: self._resolve_parameters(location, newtree) _expand_tensors(self, numofmedia, multidim_prop, root, location) _expand_van_genuchten(self, numofmedia, root, location) property_names = [ name.text for name in newtree.findall( f"./media/medium/{location_pointer[location]}properties/property/name" ) ] property_names = list(dict.fromkeys(property_names)) values: dict[str, list] = {} property_list = self._generate_property_list( mediamapping, numofmedia, root, property_names, values, location, property_list, ) properties = PropertySet(property=property_list) return pd.DataFrame(properties)
[docs] def write_property_latextable( self, latexfile: Path = Path("property_dataframe.tex"), mediamapping: dict[int, str] | None = None, float_format: str = "{:.2e}", ) -> None: """Write material properties to disc as latex table. Parameters ---------- latexfile : `str` mediamapping : `dict`, optional float_format : `str` """ with"w") as tf: tf.write( self.property_dataframe(mediamapping).to_latex( index=False, float_format=float_format.format ) )