Source code for

Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (
            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
              See accompanying file LICENSE or

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from ogstools.ogs6py import Project

from import Generator
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any

from lxml import etree as ET

[docs] @dataclass class Value: """Class to hold property values.""" medium: str value: float | None
[docs] @dataclass class Property: """Class to hold properties.""" title: str symbol: str unit: str value: list[Value] = field(default_factory=list) def _dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: a: dict[str, Any] = { "title": self.title, "symbol": self.symbol, "unit": self.unit, } for d in self.value: a[d.medium] = d.value return a
[docs] @dataclass class PropertySet: """Class to hold a set of properties.""" property: list[Property] = field(default_factory=list) def __len__(self) -> int: """Number of time steps""" return len( def __iter__(self) -> Generator: for v in yield v._dict()
property_dict = { "Solid": { "density": { "title": "Solid density", "symbol": "$\\rho_\\text{s}$", "unit": "kg m$^{-3}$", }, "specific_heat_capacity": { "title": "Specific heat capacity", "symbol": "$c_\\text{s}$", "unit": "J kg$^{-1}$ K$^{-1}$", }, "thermal_expansivity": { "title": "Thermal expansivity", "symbol": "$a_s$", "unit": "K$^{-1}$", }, "youngs_modulus": { "title": "Young's modulus", "symbol": "$E$", "unit": "Pa", }, "poissons_ratio": { "title": "Poisson's ratio", "symbol": "$\\nu$", "unit": "1", }, }, "Medium": { "porosity": {"title": "Porosity", "symbol": r"$\phi$", "unit": "1"}, "biot_coefficient": { "title": "Biot-Willis coefficient", "symbol": "$\\alpha_\\mathrm{B}$", "unit": "1", }, "permeability": { "title": "Intrinsic permeability", "symbol": "$k$", "unit": "m$^2$", }, "thermal_conductivity": { "title": "Thermal conductivity", "symbol": r"$\lambda$", "unit": "W m$^{-1}$ K$^{-1}$", }, "vgsat_residual_liquid_saturation": { "title": "Saturation: Van Genuchten, \\\\ residual liquid saturation", "symbol": "$S^r_\\text{L}$", "unit": "1", }, "vgsat_residual_gas_saturation": { "title": "Saturation: Van Genuchten, \\\\ residual gas saturation ", "symbol": "$S^r_\\text{g}$", "unit": "1", }, "vgsat_exponent": { "title": "Saturation: Van Genuchten, \\\\ exponent", "symbol": "$m$", "unit": "1", }, "vgsat_p_b": { "title": "Saturation: Van Genuchten, \\\\ entry pressure", "symbol": "$p_b$", "unit": "Pa", }, "vgrelperm_residual_liquid_saturation": { "title": "Relative permeability: Van Genuchten, \\\\ residual liquid saturation ", "symbol": "$S^r_\\text{L}$", "unit": "1", }, "vgrelperm_residual_gas_saturation": { "title": "Relative permeability: Van Genuchten, \\\\ residual gas saturation ", "symbol": "$S^r_\\text{g}$", "unit": "1", }, "vgrelperm_exponent": { "title": "Relative permeability: Van Genuchten, \\\\ exponent", "symbol": "$m$", "unit": "1", }, "vgrelperm_minimum_relative_permeability_liquid": { "title": "Relative permeability: Van Genuchten, \\\\ minimmum relative permeability", "symbol": "$k^\\text{min}_r$", "unit": "1", }, }, "AqueousLiquid": { "viscosity": { "title": "Liquid phase viscosity", "symbol": r"$\mu_\mathrm{LR}$", "unit": "Pa s", }, "density": { "title": "Liquid phase density", "symbol": "$\\rho_\\mathrm{LR}$", "unit": "kg m$^{-3}$", }, "specific_heat_capacity": { "title": "Liquid specific heat capacity", "symbol": "$c_\\text{LR}$", "unit": "J kg$^{-1}$ K$^{-1}$", }, }, } location_pointer = { "Solid": "phases/phase[type='Solid']/", "Medium": "", "AqueousLiquid": "phases/phase[type='AqueousLiquid']/", } def _expand_tensors( obj: Project, numofmedia: int, multidim_prop: dict[Any, Any], root: ET.Element, location: str, ) -> None: for medium_id in range(numofmedia): medium = obj._get_medium_pointer(root, medium_id) const_props = medium.findall( f"./{location_pointer[location]}properties/property[type='Constant']/value" ) tobedeleted = [] for prop in const_props: proplist = prop.text.split(" ") tags = prop.getparent().getchildren() for tag in tags: if tag.tag == "name": name = tag.text multidim_prop[medium_id][name] = len(proplist) if multidim_prop[medium_id][name] > 1: properties_level = prop.getparent().getparent() tobedeleted.append(prop.getparent()) taglist = ["name", "type", "value"] for i in range(multidim_prop[medium_id][name]): textlist = [f"{name}{i}", "Constant", f"{proplist[i]}"] elmnt = ET.SubElement(properties_level, "property") for j, tag in enumerate(taglist): subelmnt = ET.SubElement(elmnt, tag) if textlist[j] is not None: subelmnt.text = str(textlist[j]) for element in tobedeleted: element.getparent().remove(element) def _expand_van_genuchten( obj: Project, numofmedia: int, root: ET.Element, location: str ) -> None: for medium_id in range(numofmedia): medium = obj._get_medium_pointer(root, medium_id) sat_vg_props = medium.findall( f"./{location_pointer[location]}properties/property[type='SaturationVanGenuchten']" ) relperm_vg_props = medium.findall( f"./{location_pointer[location]}properties/property[type='RelativePermeabilityVanGenuchten']" ) vg_properties = [sat_vg_props, relperm_vg_props] tobedeleted = [] for vg_property in vg_properties: for prop in vg_property: proplist = prop.getchildren() const_taglist = ["name", "type", "value"] prefix = "" for subprop in proplist: if "SaturationVanGenuchten" in subprop.text: prefix = "vgsat_" elif "RelativePermeabilityVanGenuchten" in subprop.text: prefix = "vgrelperm_" for subprop in proplist: if subprop.tag not in ["name", "type"]: const_textlist = [ prefix + subprop.tag, "Constant", subprop.text, ] elmnt = ET.SubElement(prop.getparent(), "property") for i, tag in enumerate(const_taglist): subelmnt = ET.SubElement(elmnt, tag) if const_textlist[i] is not None: subelmnt.text = str(const_textlist[i]) tobedeleted.append(prop) for element in tobedeleted: element.getparent().remove(element)