Source code for ogstools.plot.features
# Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (
# Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
"""Specialized plot features."""
from import Callable
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyvista as pv
from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
from .shared import setup
def layer_boundaries(
ax: plt.Axes, mesh: pv.UnstructuredGrid, projection: int
) -> None:
"""Plot the material boundaries of a surface on a matplotlib axis."""
mat_ids = np.unique(mesh.cell_data["MaterialIDs"])
x_id, y_id = np.delete([0, 1, 2], projection)
for mat_id in mat_ids:
m_i = mesh.threshold((mat_id, mat_id), "MaterialIDs")
# the pyvista connectivity call adds RegionID cell data
segments = m_i.extract_feature_edges().connectivity(largest=False)
for reg_id in np.unique(segments.cell_data["RegionId"]):
segment = segments.threshold((reg_id, reg_id), "RegionId")
edges = segment.extract_surface().strip(True, 10000)
x_b, y_b = edges.points[edges.lines % edges.n_points].T[
[x_id, y_id]
ax.plot(x_b, y_b, "-k", lw=setup.linewidth)
def element_edges(
ax: plt.Axes, mesh: pv.UnstructuredGrid, projection: int
) -> None:
"""Plot the element edges of a surface on a matplotlib axis."""
lin_mesh = mesh.linear_copy()
cell_points = [lin_mesh.get_cell(i).points for i in range(lin_mesh.n_cells)]
cell_types = [lin_mesh.get_cell(i).type for i in range(lin_mesh.n_cells)]
for cell_type in np.unique(cell_types):
cell_pts = [
for cp, ct in zip(cell_points, cell_types, strict=False)
if ct == cell_type
verts = np.delete(cell_pts, projection, -1)
lw = 0.5 * setup.linewidth
pc = PolyCollection(verts.tolist(), fc="None", ec="black", lw=lw)
def shape_on_top(
ax: plt.Axes,
surf: pv.DataSet,
contour: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray],
scaling: float = 1.0,
) -> None:
normal = np.abs(np.mean(surf.extract_surface().cell_normals, axis=0))
projection = int(np.argmax(normal))
XYZ = surf.extract_feature_edges().points
df_pts = pd.DataFrame(
np.delete(XYZ, projection, axis=1), columns=["x", "y"]
x_vals = df_pts.groupby("x")["x"].agg(np.mean).to_numpy()
y_vals = df_pts.groupby("x")["y"].agg(np.max).to_numpy()
contour_vals = [
y + scaling * contour(x) for y, x in zip(y_vals, x_vals, strict=False)
ax.fill_between(x_vals, y_vals, contour_vals, facecolor="lightgrey")