Source code for ogstools.plot.lineplots

from string import ascii_uppercase
from typing import Any, Literal

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv

from ogstools.meshlib.data_processing import sample_polyline
from ogstools.plot import contourf, setup, utils
from ogstools.plot.shared import spatial_quantity
from ogstools.variables import Variable, get_preset

# TODO: ability to swap x and y?
[docs] def linesample( mesh: pv.UnstructuredGrid, x: str, # TODO renamed it to "along" maybe variable: str | Variable, profile_points: np.ndarray, ax: plt.Axes, resolution: int | None = 100, grid: Literal["major", "both", None] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> plt.Axes: """ Plot selected variables obtained from sample_over_polyline function, this function calls to it internally. Values provided in param x and y refer to columns of the DataFrame returned by it. :param mesh: mesh to sample from. :param x: Value to be used on x-axis of the plot :param variable: Values to be used on y-axis of the plot :param profile_points: Points defining the profile (and its segments) :param ax: User-created array of Matplotlib axis object :param resolution: Resolution of the sampled profile. Total number of points within all profile segments. :param resolution: Resolution of the sampled profile. Total number of points within all profile segments. :param grid: Which gridlines should be drawn? :param kwargs: Optional keyword arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot.plot to customize plot options like a line label (for auto legends), linewidth, antialiasing, marker face color. :return: Matplotlib Axes object """ variable = get_preset(variable, mesh) mesh_sp, _ = sample_polyline(mesh, variable, profile_points, resolution) assert isinstance(ax, plt.Axes) spatial_qty = spatial_quantity(mesh) kwargs.setdefault("label", variable.data_name) kwargs.setdefault("color", variable.color) kwargs.setdefault("linestyle", variable.linestyle) if "ls" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("linestyle") utils.update_font_sizes(axes=ax, fontsize=kwargs.pop("fontsize", 20)) ax.plot( spatial_qty.transform(mesh_sp[x]), mesh_sp[variable.data_name], **kwargs, ) ax.set_xlabel("Profile distance / " + spatial_qty.output_unit) ax.set_ylabel(variable.get_label(setup.label_split)) if grid in ["both", "major"]: ax.grid(which="major", color="lightgrey", linestyle="-") if grid == "major": ax.minorticks_off() if grid == "both": ax.grid(which="minor", color="0.95", linestyle="--") ax.minorticks_on() return ax
[docs] def linesample_contourf( mesh: pv.UnstructuredGrid, variables: str | list | Variable, profile_points: np.ndarray, resolution: int | None = None, plot_nodal_pts: bool | None = True, nodal_pts_labels: str | list | None = None, ) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]: """ Default plot for the data obtained from sampling along a profile on a mesh. :param mesh: mesh to plot and sample from. :param variables: Variables to be read from the mesh :param profile_points: Points defining the profile (and its segments) :param resolution: Resolution of the sampled profile. Total number of points within all profile segments. :param plot_nodal_pts: Plot and annotate all nodal points in profile :param nodal_pts_labels: Labels for nodal points (only use if plot_nodal_points is set to True) :return: Tuple containing Matplotlib Figure and Axis objects """ # TODO: Add support for plotting only geometry at top subplot and # lineplot with twinx in the bottom one if not isinstance(variables, list): variables = [variables] _, dist_at_knot = sample_polyline( mesh, variables, profile_points, resolution=resolution ) fig, ax = plt.subplots( 2, len(variables), figsize=(len(variables) * 13, 12), squeeze=False ) spatial_qty = spatial_quantity(mesh) x_id, y_id, _, _ = utils.get_projection(mesh) for index, variable in enumerate(variables): contourf(mesh, variable, fig=fig, ax=ax[0, index]) linesample( mesh, x="dist", variable=variable, profile_points=profile_points, ax=ax[1, index], resolution=resolution, grid="both", ) if plot_nodal_pts: if nodal_pts_labels is None: nodal_pts_labels = list( ascii_uppercase[0 : len(profile_points)] ) ax[0][index].plot( spatial_qty.transform(profile_points[:, x_id]), spatial_qty.transform(profile_points[:, y_id]), "-*", linewidth=2, markersize=7, color="orange", ) for nodal_pt_id, nodal_pt in enumerate(dist_at_knot): xy = profile_points[nodal_pt_id, [x_id, y_id]] text_xy = utils.padded(ax[0][index], *spatial_qty.transform(xy)) ax[0][index].text( *text_xy, nodal_pts_labels[nodal_pt_id], color="orange", fontsize=setup.fontsize, ha="center", va="center", ) ax[1][index].axvline( spatial_qty.transform(nodal_pt), linestyle="--", color="orange", linewidth=2, ) ax_twiny = ax[1][index].twiny() ax_twiny.set_xlim(ax[1][index].get_xlim()) ax_twiny.set_xticks( spatial_qty.transform(dist_at_knot), nodal_pts_labels, color="orange", ) utils.update_font_sizes(fig.axes) fig.tight_layout() return fig, ax