Source code for ogstools.plot.lineplots

from typing import Any

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv

from ogstools.plot import setup, utils
from ogstools.variables import Variable, get_preset

[docs] def line( mesh: pv.DataSet, var1: str | Variable | None = None, var2: str | Variable | None = None, ax: plt.Axes | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> plt.Figure | None: """Plot some data of a (1D) mesh. You can pass "x", "y" or "z" to either of x_var or y_var to specify which spatial dimension should be used for the corresponding axis. You can also pass two data variables for a phase plot. if no value is given, automatic detection of spatial axis is tried. >>> line(mesh) # z=const: y over x, y=const: z over x, x=const: z over y >>> line(mesh, ot.variables.temperature) # temperature over x, y or z >>> line(mesh, "y", "temperature") # temperature over y >>> line(mesh, ot.variables.pressure, "y") # y over pressure >>> line(mesh, "pressure", "temperature") # temperature over pressure :param mesh: The mesh which contains the data to plot :param var1: Variable for the x-axis if var2 is given else for y-axis. :param var2: Variable for the y-axis if var1 is given. :param ax: The matplotlib axis to use for plotting, if None a new figure will be created. :Keyword Arguments: - figsize: figure size (default=[16, 10]) - color: color of the line - linewidth: width of the line - linestyle: style of the line - label: label in the legend - grid: if True, show grid - all other kwargs get passed to matplotlib's plot function """ if isinstance(var1, plt.Axes) or isinstance(var2, plt.Axes): msg = "Please provide ax as keyword argument only!" raise TypeError(msg) figsize = kwargs.pop("figsize", [16, 10]) ax_ = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)[1] if ax is None else ax axes_idx = np.argwhere( np.invert(np.all(np.isclose(mesh.points, mesh.points[0]), axis=0)) ).ravel() if len(axes_idx) == 0: axes_idx = [0, 1] match var1, var2: case None, None: if len(axes_idx) == 1: axes_idx = [0, axes_idx[0] if axes_idx[0] != 0 else 1] x_var = get_preset("xyz"[axes_idx[0]], mesh).magnitude y_var = get_preset("xyz"[axes_idx[1]], mesh).magnitude case var1, None: x_var = get_preset("xyz"[axes_idx[0]], mesh).magnitude y_var = get_preset(var1, mesh).magnitude # type: ignore[arg-type] case None, var2: x_var = get_preset("xyz"[axes_idx[0]], mesh).magnitude y_var = get_preset(var2, mesh).magnitude # type: ignore[arg-type] case var1, var2: x_var = get_preset(var1, mesh).magnitude # type: ignore[arg-type] y_var = get_preset(var2, mesh).magnitude # type: ignore[arg-type] kwargs.setdefault("color", y_var.color) pure_spatial = y_var.data_name in "xyz" and x_var.data_name in "xyz" lw_scale = 4 if pure_spatial else 2.5 kwargs.setdefault("linewidth", setup.linewidth * lw_scale) fontsize = kwargs.pop("fontsize", setup.fontsize) show_grid = kwargs.pop("grid", True) and not pure_spatial ax_.plot(x_var.transform(mesh), y_var.transform(mesh), **kwargs) if "label" in kwargs: ax_.legend(fontsize=fontsize) if ax_.get_xlabel() == "": ax_.set_xlabel(x_var.get_label(setup.label_split)) if ax_.get_ylabel() == "": ax_.set_ylabel(y_var.get_label(setup.label_split)) utils.update_font_sizes(axes=ax_, fontsize=fontsize) if show_grid: ax_.grid(which="major", color="lightgrey", linestyle="-") ax_.grid(which="minor", color="0.95", linestyle="--") ax_.minorticks_on() if ax is not None: return ax.figure return ax_.figure