Source code for ogstools.variables.matrix

# Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (
#            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
#            See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Literal

from ogstools.variables import tensor_math
from ogstools.variables.variable import Scalar, Variable
from ogstools.variables.vector import Vector, VectorList

[docs] @dataclass class Matrix(Variable): """Represent a matrix variable. Matrix variables should contain either 4 (2D) or 6 (3D) components. Matrix components can be accesses with brackets e.g. stress[0] """
[docs] def __getitem__( self, index: int | Literal["xx", "yy", "zz", "xy", "yz", "xz"] ) -> Scalar: "A scalar variable as a matrix component." int_index = ( index if isinstance(index, int) else ["xx", "yy", "zz", "xy", "yz", "xz"].index(index) ) return Scalar.from_variable( self, output_name=self.output_name + f"_{index}", symbol=f"{{{self.symbol}}}_{{{index}}}", func=lambda x: self.func(x)[..., int_index], bilinear_cmap=True, )
@property def magnitude(self) -> Scalar: "A scalar variable as the frobenius norm of the matrix." return Scalar.from_variable( self, output_name=self.output_name + "_magnitude", symbol=rf"||{{{self.symbol}}}||_\mathrm{{F}}", func=lambda x: tensor_math.frobenius_norm(self.func(x)), ) @property def trace(self) -> Scalar: "A scalar variable as the trace of the matrix." return Scalar.from_variable( self, output_name=self.output_name + "_trace", symbol=rf"\mathrm{{tr}}({{{self.symbol}}})", func=tensor_math.trace, ) @property def eigenvalues(self) -> Vector: "A vector variable as the eigenvalues of the matrix." return Vector.from_variable( self, output_name=self.output_name + "_eigenvalues", symbol=r"\lambda", func=lambda x: tensor_math.eigenvalues(self.func(x)), ) @property def eigenvectors(self) -> VectorList: "A vector variable as the eigenvectors of the matrix." return VectorList.from_variable( self, output_name=self.output_name + "_eigenvectors", symbol="v", data_unit="", output_unit="", func=lambda x: tensor_math.eigenvectors(self.func(x)), ) @property def det(self) -> Scalar: "A scalar variable as the determinant of the matrix." return Scalar.from_variable( self, output_name=self.output_name + "_det", symbol=rf"\mathrm{{det}} {{{self.symbol}}}", func=lambda x: tensor_math.det(self.func(x)), ) @property def invariant_1(self) -> Scalar: "A scalar variable as the first invariant of the matrix." return Scalar.from_variable( self, output_name=self.output_name + "_I1", func=lambda x: tensor_math.invariant_1(self.func(x)), ) @property def invariant_2(self) -> Scalar: "A scalar variable as the second invariant of the matrix." return Scalar.from_variable( self, output_unit=self.output_unit + "^2", output_name=self.output_name + "_I2", func=lambda x: tensor_math.invariant_2(self.func(x)), process_with_units=True, ) @property def invariant_3(self) -> Scalar: "A scalar variable as the third invariant of the matrix." return Scalar.from_variable( self, output_name=self.output_name + "_I3", func=lambda x: tensor_math.invariant_3(self.func(x)), ) @property def mean(self) -> Scalar: "A scalar variable as the mean value of the matrix." return Scalar.from_variable( self, output_name="mean_" + self.output_name, symbol=r"\pi", func=lambda x: tensor_math.mean(self.func(x)), ) @property def hydrostatic_component(self) -> "Matrix": "A vector variable as the effective pressure of the matrix." return Matrix.from_variable( self, output_name="hydrostatic_" + self.output_name + "_component", symbol=rf"p^{{{self.symbol}}}", func=lambda x: tensor_math.hydrostatic_component(self.func(x)), ) @property def deviator(self) -> "Matrix": "A vector variable as the deviator of the matrix." return Matrix.from_variable( self, output_name=self.output_name + "_deviator", symbol=rf"s^{{{self.symbol}}}", func=lambda x: tensor_math.deviator(self.func(x)), ) @property def deviator_invariant_1(self) -> Scalar: "A scalar variable as the first invariant of the matrix deviator." return Scalar.from_variable( self, output_name=self.output_name + "_J1", func=lambda x: tensor_math.deviator_invariant_1(self.func(x)), ) @property def deviator_invariant_2(self) -> Scalar: "A scalar variable as the second invariant of the matrix deviator." return Scalar.from_variable( self, output_name=self.output_name + "_J2", func=lambda x: tensor_math.deviator_invariant_2(self.func(x)), ) @property def deviator_invariant_3(self) -> Scalar: "A scalar variable as the third invariant of the matrix deviator." return Scalar.from_variable( self, output_name=self.output_name + "_J3", func=lambda x: tensor_math.deviator_invariant_3(self.func(x)), ) @property def octahedral_shear(self) -> Scalar: "A scalar variable as the octahedral shear component of the matrix." return Scalar.from_variable( self, output_name="octahedral_shear_" + self.output_name, symbol=r"\tau_\mathrm{oct}", func=lambda x: tensor_math.octahedral_shear(self.func(x)), ) @property def von_Mises(self) -> Scalar: "A scalar variable as the von Mises stress." return Scalar.from_variable( self, output_name="von_Mises_" + self.output_name, symbol=rf"{{{self.symbol}}}_\mathrm{{Mises}}", func=lambda x: tensor_math.von_mises(self.func(x)), ) @property def qp_ratio(self) -> Scalar: "A scalar variable as the qp stress ratio." return Scalar.from_variable( self, output_name="qp_ratio", output_unit="percent", symbol="qp", func=lambda x: tensor_math.qp_ratio(self.func(x)), process_with_units=True, )