Source code for ogstools.variables.tensor_math

# Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (
#            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
#            See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or

"""Common tensor transformation operations.

They can be used as they are, but are also part of
:py:obj:`ogstools.variables.matrix.Matrix` variables.
All input arrays are expected to be in vector notation of symmetric tensors in
the form of:

[xx, yy, zz, xy] for 2D and

[xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, xz] for 3D.

This notation style is the default output of OGS:


A better overview for the theoretical background of the equations can be found
here, for example:


from typing import TypeAlias, TypeVar

import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
from pint.facets.plain import PlainQuantity, PlainUnit

from .unit_registry import u_reg

ValType: TypeAlias = PlainQuantity | np.ndarray

T = TypeVar("T")

def _split_quantity(values: ValType) -> tuple[np.ndarray, PlainUnit | None]:
    if isinstance(values, PlainQuantity):
        return values.magnitude, values.units
    return values, None

def _to_quantity(
    values: np.ndarray, unit: PlainUnit | None
) -> np.ndarray | PlainQuantity:
    return values if unit is None else u_reg.Quantity(values, unit)

[docs] def identity(vals: T) -> T: ":returns: The input values." return vals
[docs] def sym_tensor_to_mat(values: ValType) -> ValType: "Convert an symmetric tensor to a 3x3 matrix." vals, unit = _split_quantity(values) assert np.shape(vals)[-1] in [4, 6] shape = list(np.shape(vals))[:-1] + [3, 3] mat = np.zeros(shape) mat[..., 0, 0] = vals[..., 0] mat[..., 1, 1] = vals[..., 1] mat[..., 2, 2] = vals[..., 2] mat[..., 0, 1] = vals[..., 3] mat[..., 1, 0] = vals[..., 3] if np.shape(vals)[-1] == 6: mat[..., 0, 2] = vals[..., 4] mat[..., 2, 0] = vals[..., 4] mat[..., 1, 2] = vals[..., 5] mat[..., 2, 1] = vals[..., 5] return _to_quantity(mat, unit)
[docs] def trace(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the trace of the given symmetric tensor. :math:`tr(\\mathbf{\\sigma}) = \\sum\\limits_{i=1}^3 \\sigma_{ii}` """ vals, unit = _split_quantity(values) return _to_quantity(np.sum(vals[..., :3], axis=-1), unit)
[docs] def matrix_trace(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the trace of the given matrix. :math:`tr(\\mathbf{\\sigma}) = \\sum\\limits_{i=1}^3 \\sigma_{ii}` """ vals, unit = _split_quantity(values) return _to_quantity(np.trace(vals, axis1=-2, axis2=-1), unit)
[docs] def eigenvalues(values: ValType) -> ValType: "Return the eigenvalues." mat_vals, unit = _split_quantity(sym_tensor_to_mat(values)) eigvals: np.ndarray = LA.eigvals(mat_vals) eigvals.sort(axis=-1) assert np.all(eigvals[..., 0] <= eigvals[..., 1]) assert np.all(eigvals[..., 1] <= eigvals[..., 2]) return _to_quantity(eigvals, unit)
[docs] def eigenvectors(values: ValType) -> ValType: "Return the eigenvectors." mat_vals, unit = _split_quantity(sym_tensor_to_mat(values)) eigvals, eigvecs = LA.eig(mat_vals) ids = eigvals.argsort(axis=-1) eigvals = np.take_along_axis(eigvals, ids, axis=-1) eigvecs = np.take_along_axis(eigvecs, ids[:, np.newaxis], axis=-1) assert np.all(eigvals[..., 0] <= eigvals[..., 1]) assert np.all(eigvals[..., 1] <= eigvals[..., 2]) return _to_quantity(eigvecs, unit)
[docs] def det(values: ValType) -> ValType: "Return the determinants." mat_vals, unit = _split_quantity(sym_tensor_to_mat(values)) if unit is not None: unit *= unit return _to_quantity(np.linalg.det(mat_vals), unit)
[docs] def frobenius_norm(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the Frobenius norm. :math:`||\\mathbf{\\sigma}||_F = \\sqrt{ \\sum\\limits_{i=1}^m \\sum\\limits_{j=1}^n |\\sigma_{ij}|^2 }` """ mat_vals, unit = _split_quantity(sym_tensor_to_mat(values)) return _to_quantity(np.linalg.norm(mat_vals, axis=(-2, -1)), unit)
[docs] def invariant_1(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the first invariant. :math:`I1 = tr(\\mathbf{\\sigma})` """ return trace(values)
[docs] def invariant_2(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the second invariant. :math:`I2 = \\frac{1}{2} \\left[(tr(\\mathbf{\\sigma}))^2 - tr(\\mathbf{\\sigma}^2) \\right]` """ mat_vals = sym_tensor_to_mat(values) return 0.5 * (trace(values) ** 2 - matrix_trace(mat_vals @ mat_vals))
[docs] def invariant_3(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the third invariant. :math:`I3 = det(\\mathbf{\\sigma})` """ return det(values)
[docs] def mean(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the mean value. Also called hydrostatic component or octahedral normal component. :math:`\\pi = \\frac{1}{3} I1` """ return (1.0 / 3.0) * invariant_1(values)
[docs] def effective_pressure(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the effective pressure. :math:`\\pi = -\\frac{1}{3} I1` """ return -mean(values)
[docs] def hydrostatic_component(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the hydrostatic component. :math:`p_{ij} = \\pi \\delta_{ij}` """ vals, unit = _split_quantity(values) result = vals * 0.0 result[..., :3] = _split_quantity(mean(vals))[0][..., np.newaxis] return _to_quantity(result, unit)
[docs] def deviator(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the deviator. :math:`s_{ij} = \\sigma_{ij} - \\pi \\delta_{ij}` """ return values - hydrostatic_component(values)
[docs] def deviator_invariant_1(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the first invariant of the deviator. :math:`J1 = 0` """ return trace(deviator(values))
[docs] def deviator_invariant_2(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the second invariant of the deviator. :math:`J2 = \\frac{1}{2} tr(\\mathbf{s}^2)` """ mat_dev = sym_tensor_to_mat(deviator(values)) return 0.5 * matrix_trace(mat_dev @ mat_dev)
[docs] def deviator_invariant_3(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the third invariant of the deviator. :math:`J3 = \\frac{1}{3} tr(\\mathbf{s}^3)` """ mat_dev = sym_tensor_to_mat(deviator(values)) return (1.0 / 3.0) * matrix_trace(mat_dev @ mat_dev @ mat_dev)
[docs] def octahedral_shear(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the octahedral shear value. :math:`\\tau_{oct} = \\sqrt{\\frac{2}{3} J2}` """ return np.sqrt((2.0 / 3.0) * deviator_invariant_2(values))
[docs] def von_mises(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the von Mises stress. :math:`\\sigma_{Mises} = \\sqrt{3 J2}` """ return np.sqrt(3.0 * deviator_invariant_2(values))
[docs] def qp_ratio(values: ValType) -> ValType: """Return the qp ratio (von Mises stress / effective pressure). :math:`qp = \\sigma_{Mises} / \\pi` """ return von_mises(values) / effective_pressure(values)