Source code for ogstools.variables.mesh_dependent

# Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (
#            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
#            See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or

"Functions related to stress analysis which can be only applied to a mesh."

import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
from pint.facets.plain import PlainQuantity

from .tensor_math import _split_quantity, eigenvalues, mean, octahedral_shear
from .unit_registry import u_reg
from .variable import Variable

[docs] def fluid_pressure_criterion( mesh: pv.UnstructuredGrid, variable: Variable ) -> PlainQuantity: """Return the fluid pressure criterion. Defined as the difference between fluid pressure and minimal principal stress (compression positive). Requires "pressure" to be available in the mesh's point_data. .. math:: F_{p} = p_{fl} - \\sigma_{min} """ Qty = u_reg.Quantity sigma = mesh[variable.data_name] pressure = mesh["pressure"] sig_min = _split_quantity(eigenvalues(-sigma))[0][..., 0] return Qty(pressure, "Pa") - Qty(sig_min, variable.data_unit)
[docs] def dilatancy_critescu( mesh: pv.UnstructuredGrid, variable: Variable, a: float = -0.01697, b: float = 0.8996, effective: bool = False, ) -> PlainQuantity: """Return the dilatancy criterion defined as: .. math:: F_{dil} = \\frac{\\tau_{oct}}{\\sigma_0} - a \\left( \\frac{\\sigma_m}{\\sigma_0} \\right)^2 - b \\frac{\\sigma_m}{\\sigma_0} for total stresses and defined as: .. math:: F'_{dil} = \\frac{\\tau_{oct}}{\\sigma_0} - a \\left( \\frac{\\sigma'_m}{\\sigma_0} \\right)^2 - b \\frac{\\sigma'_m}{\\sigma_0} for effective stresses. Requires "pressure" to be available in the mesh's point_data. <> """ Qty = u_reg.Quantity sigma = -Qty(mesh[variable.data_name], variable.data_unit) sigma_0 = Qty(1, "MPa") sigma_m = mean(sigma) pressure = mesh["pressure"] if effective: sigma_m -= Qty(pressure, "Pa") tau_oct = octahedral_shear(sigma) return ( tau_oct / sigma_0 - a * (sigma_m / sigma_0) ** 2 - b * sigma_m / sigma_0 )
[docs] def dilatancy_alkan( mesh: pv.UnstructuredGrid, variable: Variable, b: float = 0.04, effective: bool = False, ) -> PlainQuantity | np.ndarray: """Return the dilatancy criterion defined as: .. math:: F_{dil} = \\tau_{oct} - \\tau_{max} \\cdot b \\frac{\\sigma'_m}{\\sigma_0 + b \\cdot \\sigma'_m} for total stresses and defined as: .. math:: F_{dil} = \\tau_{oct} - \\tau_{max} \\cdot b \\frac{\\sigma'_m}{\\sigma_0 + b \\cdot \\sigma'_m} for effective stresses. Requires "pressure" to be available in the mesh's point_data. <> """ Qty = u_reg.Quantity sigma = -Qty(mesh[variable.data_name], variable.data_unit) tau_max = Qty(33, "MPa") sigma_m = mean(sigma) pressure = mesh["pressure"] if effective: sigma_m -= Qty(pressure, "Pa") tau = octahedral_shear(sigma) return tau - tau_max * (b * sigma_m / (Qty(1, "MPa") + b * sigma_m))