Read mesh from file (vtu or xdmf) into pyvista mesh#

from ogstools.meshlib import MeshSeries
from ogstools.meshlib.examples import xdmf_file
from ogstools.meshplotlib.examples import THM_2D_file as pvd_file

MeshSeries takes as mandatory argument a str OR pathlib.Path that represents the location of the pvd or xdmf file.

ms = MeshSeries(xdmf_file)

Accessing time values#

All time value (in seconds) are within a range (e.g. can be converted to list) Python slicing is supported.

print(f"First 3 time values are: {ms.timevalues[:3]}.")

# Accessing a specific time step

timestep = 10

print(f"Time value at step {timestep} is {ms.timevalues[timestep]} s.")
First 3 time values are: [0.0, 900.0, 1800.0].
Time value at step 10 is 9000.0 s.

Read data is cached. The function read is only slow for each new timestep requested.

mesh_ts10 =

# The mesh taken from a specific time step of the mesh series is a pyvista mesh
# Here we use pyvista functionality plot.

plot meshseries

MeshSeries from PVD file#

ms = MeshSeries(pvd_file)
plot meshseries

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.361 seconds)