ogstools.meshlib.boundary module#

class ogstools.meshlib.boundary.Boundary[source]#

Bases: ABC

Abstract base class representing a boundary within a mesh.

A boundary refers to the set of edges or faces that defines the delineation between the interior region and exterior regions of a mesh. In a 2D mesh, it is formed by a closed collection of line segments (1D). In a 3D mesh, it is formed by a closed collection of faces (2D).

abstract dim()[source]#

Get the dimension of the boundary.


The dimension of the boundary. For example, the dimension of a boundary of a cube (3D) is 2.

Return type:


class ogstools.meshlib.boundary.Layer[source]#

Bases: Boundary

Layer(top: ogstools.meshlib.boundary_subset.Surface, bottom: ogstools.meshlib.boundary_subset.Surface, material_id: int = 0, num_subdivisions: int = 0)

top: Surface#
bottom: Surface#
material_id: int = 0#
num_subdivisions: int = 0#

Class representing a geological layer with top and bottom surfaces.

A geological layer is a distinct unit of rock or sediment that has unique properties and characteristics, associated by the material_id. It is often bounded by two surfaces: the top surface and the bottom surface. These surfaces delineate the spatial extent of the layer in the GIS system.


Create raster representations for the layer.

For each surface, including intermediate surfaces (num_of_subdivisions > 0), this method generates .asc files.


resolution (float) – The resolution for raster creation.


A list of filenames to .asc raster files.

Return type:



Get the dimension of the boundary.


The dimension of the boundary. For example, the dimension of a boundary of a cube (3D) is 2.

Return type:


__init__(top, bottom, material_id=0, num_subdivisions=0)#
class ogstools.meshlib.boundary.LocationFrame[source]#

Bases: object

LocationFrame(xmin: float, xmax: float, ymin: float, ymax: float)

xmin: float#
xmax: float#
ymin: float#
ymax: float#

Generate GML representation of the location frame.


filename (Path) – The filename to save the GML representation to.



Return type:


__init__(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)#
class ogstools.meshlib.boundary.Raster[source]#

Bases: object

Class representing a raster representation of a location frame.

This class provides methods to create and save a raster representation based on a specified location frame and resolution.

frame: LocationFrame#
resolution: float#
__init__(frame, resolution)#

Create and save a raster representation as a VTK unstructured grid.


outfilevtu (Path) – The path to save the VTK unstructured grid.


The path to the saved VTK unstructured grid representation.

Return type:
