Analyzing Meshseries Data#

Section author: Florian Zill (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ)

In this example we show how to aggregate data in a model over all timesteps as well as plot differences between to timesteps. For this purpose we use a component transport example from the ogs benchmark gallery (

To see this benchmark results over all timesteps have a look at How to create Animations.

from ogstools import examples
from ogstools.meshlib import difference
from ogstools.meshplotlib import plot, setup
from ogstools.propertylib import Scalar

mesh_series = examples.load_meshseries_CT_2D_XDMF()
si = Scalar(
    data_name="Si", data_unit="", output_unit="%", output_name="Saturation"

To read your own data as a mesh series you can do:

from ogstools.meshlib import MeshSeries
mesh_series = MeshSeries("filepath/filename_pvd_or_xdmf")

You can also use a property from the available presets instead of needing to create your own: Property Presets

You aggregate the data in MeshSeries over all timesteps given some aggregation function, e.g. “min”, “max”, “var” (see: aggregate()). The following code gets the maximum saturation for each point in the mesh over all timesteps and plots it. Note: the data in the returned mesh has a suffix equal to the aggregation functions name. The plot function will find the correct data anyway if given the original mesh_property

mesh = mesh_series.aggregate(si, "max")
fig = plot(mesh, si)
plot special

It is also possible to plot the time when the minimum or maximum occurs. However, here we have to use a new mesh_property for the plot to handle the units correctly:

mesh = mesh_series.aggregate(si, "max_time")
fig = plot(mesh, Scalar("Saturation_max_time", "s", "a"))
plot special

Likewise we can calculate and visualize the variance of the saturation:

mesh = mesh_series.aggregate(si, "var")
fig = plot(mesh, si)
plot special

Difference between the last and the first timestep:

mesh = difference(,, si)
fig = plot(mesh, si)
plot special

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.804 seconds)